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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Is there anywhere in the U.K that I can get the Hope Gothin rotor? Cheers :angry:
  2. 'Cool' kids! (N) :angry:
  3. Haha, that's well goot matey! I may try it when I can be bothered! (N) :angry:
  4. That's a bloody nice bike you have there mate, I like the cranks too but they will get chipped to buggerey soon! :angry:"
  5. I think it's really bloody stupid! Next they'll be banning hats and sunglasses (N) Stupid, stupid people (N) :angry:
  6. I've always thought that the 'Cock' was an exhaust pipe! :">
  7. Yeah, I see where you're coming from, but not EVERYONE is going to know that are they? It's like my mum, she isn't that good on a computer so that means that she would download it if it was sent to her (Y) I just didn't agree with the way JT! Said it, that's all....
  8. What the hell?! Shut up mate! Not everyone can be good with computers. You REALLY annoy me sometimes! :D
  9. You can get these door popper things, you press a button and the doors go "POP" (Quote from Pimp My Ride) :)
  10. LOL yeah, I looked at the title and thought What?! Mother ate 12,14,16?! :) It is QUITE disgusting to say the least! (Y) :)
  11. LOL, I remember seeing this when I was over in America a few weeks ago. Made me laugh :)
  12. You just click the button that says "Download Torrent" ? :P
  13. Siders77

    Joe Baxter

    Hummm, I didn't like the video that much, the bits where it kept going black really annoyed me! As did the camera man "YEAHHHHH" everytime you did something! :P The riding was food, but I just didn't like the video that much, sorry :D
  14. You can do it your self now Callum :D Just edit the first post then it'll be there :P
  15. Joe, I thought you only had 2 guitars and the rest were your dads? And the drumkit was your sisters? (Y)
  16. And super ugly! (Y)" :D There is a bike pic's thread now Joe so this'll most likely get locked..
  17. I really like that mate! It looks better than the blue did! Nice one :( :(
  18. Here You go Danny :( EDIT: Damn, beaten by miles! :">
  19. Yeah, something like that! LOL :( Anyway, fire trucks can be quite fun to 'Shop :(
  20. Hey, you're never too old to learn something new! There is a guy on here called "Lego" and he's about the same age as you and he's just started *I think* As for the balancing, I would get on your bike and try to ride along a curb with out falling off, that really helped me when I first started! :( Hope you get on ok with it all! :(
  21. Do what me and Jang do, find the shittest car possible and try that :( It's usually quite fun! :(
  22. Nice video there Mike, the riding was top notch! Not too sure on the music though :( I look forward to seeing your next video :(
  23. Bloody hell Watson! Bloody good video there mate! I really enjoyed watching that! I can't wait for your next video! :(
  24. It looks like i'm not coming now :( I still haven't got my pads :(
  25. Siders77

    Bt Raven

    A BT Raven full build? :(
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