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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. I'll post up how I grind, so I get a nice sharp, even grind. :turned: 1) Hold the axle of the wheel in a Vice or your Frame. 2) Spin the wheel Clockwise. 3) Put the grinder on the right hand side of the wheel, let it bounce about a bit so what you get a nice deep grind (Y) 4) After that you should have a nice sharp grind. 5) Go ride! :) I'll do a diagram if anyone wants me to? ;)
  2. I use a Metal Cutting disc, it gives a nice sharp grind :turned: (Y)
  3. If everyone did that then we probably wouldn't have Trials-Forum, websites with tips and stuff on. Personally I think trials websites are a wicked idea :turned:
  4. I swear Kyle (Motocrossmumford) Snapped a pair of V!Z forks too! (Y) :turned:
  5. I think i'll go for the Giro Havoc :turned:
  6. It's alright. But weren't Yo-Yo's like sooooo 10 Years ago! :turned:
  7. And we all know what Dan will say! ....... :turned:"
  8. This is Pete's Coffin PC at the moment :turned: ...... Crescent frame £100 ono and Corsa GSI £2500 ono says: Just getting round to having a play after moving and having a little one. Just laying things out really with spears that have died. Big tahnks to Danny and Jang for there advice. Things should be done pretty soon
  9. Is it comfy? I have been told that they make your head really hot or something? :turned:
  10. Hey there. Well after just over a year of riding without a helmet i've decided to get one (Y) But the problem I have is which one to go for? :turned: I quite like the look of the Giro E2 but I don't really wanna spend that much on a helmet. Can you lot recomend one so that I can go to my LBS and see if thy have one that I can try on. Thanks a lot ;)
  11. Yours looks professional mate! I like the lay out of your site too. Is there any chance that I could add you to MSN to have a chat about it please? (Y)
  12. Siders77

    Lock, Stock

    Watching! :( It's actually the first time i've ever seen it! :lol:
  13. I got to level 6 when I found it here :lol:
  14. I would NEVER ride a memorial! I think it's so disrespectful! how would you feel if one of YOUR grandparents died in the war, you went to see them and you found out that their grave stone had been badly damages just 'cause there was a nice gap there?! I personally would be bloody mad and upset! Ah well, that's my 2 pence :lol:
  15. Hey guys, I just though I would updaye you on how my brake is working now.... I put the grinder on the other side of the rim so that the rim spins the other way that it did before. I also did what Waynio said and let the grinder bounce about a bit. Now I have a beastly grind.....and pads that working AMAZING!! Cheers dudes (Y)
  16. Huh?! Are you Mole too?! :D
  17. It's even worse because my mum works there! (Y) :">
  18. It's been posted before......
  19. LOL, that's too funny! :) I laughed through it all!
  20. It's full of people going "o no dont get the t-mag it kraks. itz a bad batch innit blud" (Y)
  21. That's quite cool mate! You should drill it now! (Y)
  22. I would have gone to another bike shop. Dut due to health and safety I couldn't (Y)
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