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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Why not split it into 2? Have 2 50MB ones? (Y)
  2. Yeah, no shit Sherlock! I think we've already found that out! (Y) :P
  3. Just read the site, the limit is 52Mb, sorry (Y)
  4. Speaking of ghosts, has anyone ever watched "Most Haunted"? That's quite scary at times....
  5. Yeah, the P(Dunno how to spell it!) is a ghost, just a really bad one. My mate so say lives in a haunted house and he got thrown out of the window or something (Y)
  6. Oh yeah. I forgot to say. His grandad was back at home in England... :">
  7. Yeah, he joined in 2004. But for all we know he might not have been on here for months....
  8. My dad told me this story agesssss ago. When he was about 5 or 6 he was on holiday with his mum and dad. When he was asleep he got woken up in the night by something he looked down to the end of his bed and someone was sat with their back turned to him. He looked again and he was still there. After a few minutes he turned round. It turned out that the bloke was his grandad. He looked at my dad and said "Bye Mike" Then the next day he got a phone call saying that his Grandad had died in the night. VERY wierd! (Y)
  9. Siders77


    Ummm. What is it? (Y)
  10. Siders77


    Hold it, I guess? (Y)
  11. I went to the doctors about it because i'm getting it REALLY bad this year, he gave me some tablets for it and they seem to have worked so far. But today I feel bad, i've been told by loads of people that I look stoned :P (Y) Anyway, just go to the doctors and see what they can give you for it :D EDIT: That's what I did last year and it helped loads! Give that a go. *Goes to find some Vaseline* (Y)
  12. Siders77

    Hot Weather

    Get some foam grips to stop your grips getting sweaty (Y) I went into Bristol yesterday and it was just too bloody hot (Y) I like it when it's quite cool but not raining :P
  13. Happy birthday mate! Good luck with the driving lesson too :shifty: Can I have a piece of caterpillar cake ? :shifty:
  14. Happy Birthday Joe. I did make a topic but SOMEONE deleted it :shifty: *Cough*George*Cough* :shifty:
  15. It's not that good but anyway, there you go :-
  16. Siders77

    Frame Swap

    I just swapped my ZOO! Copy for a Monty 221ti, it was the best change i've ever made! I say go for it :-
  17. I get this in my elbow quite a lot, all I do is rest for a few days then it goes away :lol: Don't do what I did first and think it'll be ok to ride with because then it'll just get worse! :-
  18. No one coming then? :-
  19. Happy Birthday guys! :- :lol:
  20. N.Wood I actually laughed out loud when I read your post! :lol: :'(
  21. There's some nice photos there, Sam :'(
  22. Siders77

    Viz Video 2

    Hummm, I didn't like the video that much, the fading to black annoyed me :'( BUT the riding was awesome! Your sidehops are pretty darn good! :lol: :(
  23. Some nics pics there man, I really like the drop into water one :lol: :'(
  24. It's available from B&Q or any good hardware store you can even get it from Woolworths! I didn't take any precautions to be honest. But when you've stripped the paint off make sure you get ALL of the excess off otherwise the Nitromorse will eat through the new paint you put on :'(
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