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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Your local pub? Newsagents? Corner shop? :D EDIT: A few more Woolworths (I know they take people on for short ammounts of time, my mum works there) Currys. PC World. Tesco. Anything like that ;)
  2. Tartybikes sell Revell frames ;) I saw a Revell in bristol the other day, bloody nice too. I think my mate Pete might have taken some pics, i'll post them up if I can get hold of them :D
  3. I can send it to you over MSN if you like? Siders77@hotmail.com ;)
  4. Meh, that's just the way I do it! :D ;)
  5. This is the way I do my grinds...... Sorry for the crap-ness. I did it in Paint! ;) :">
  6. I think you answered your own question there! ;)
  7. Siders77


    Yeah, that is a nice bike you have there! ;) :D
  8. Hope XC, that's what I've just got and it's soooo smoth! Go fo' that one matey ;)
  9. Someone said about glue and sand. Dunno if it'd work though.... ;)
  10. I'll see if I can sort out my wheel and i'll try and get a lift there. ;)
  11. Mine did this before, just make sure the grind's going the right way, it happened to me. Drag the grinder round clockwise (If you're not already doing it!) ;)
  12. Siders77


    What the hell is a douche? :)
  13. Why not just explain here? It'll be much easier. Meh. Ummmm, Jon Mackinnion (SP?) Is good at Macs, so Is Nick (Mod661) So are a few other people :)
  14. Siders77


    Mine just came, it's good, but hard to get working! I've got the neon blue one and it's got a rev counter on (Y) Bloody good I tell thee :P
  15. LMFAO! Mate, you fecking crack me up! :blink: (Y) :sick:
  16. Siders77


    Haha, thanks :sick: Punkrider- That's so stupid! I don't think I could stand having to wear a blazer and not be able to take it off when I wanted. :blink:
  17. Because of the advertising rules. :blink:
  18. Siders77


    That's fecking stupid! IN MY OPINION you should be allowed to wear what the hell you want! Even in this hot weather do you still have to wear the blazers?
  19. And nor was the SelectBikes link. :blink:
  20. Siders77


    So let me get this straight. You will be expelled from school for not wearing a pissing blazer?!?! I would just leave now, the school sounds REALLY retarded anyway. :blink:
  21. Siders77


    Don't wear them then? :blink:
  22. Siders77


    LMFAO! That's classic! :blink: (Y)
  23. Siders77


    PLEASE tell me you're not gonna be pissed off with the teachers over some clothes! It's a bit petty don't you think?! :blink:
  24. Siders77


    Seriously, just get over it. Our uniform has changed, we have to wear bright yellow Polo Shirts and Black jumbers, we all look like fecking bees! Meh, we all just get on with it, so should you. :blink: (Y)
  25. I don't really like the word c**t. Dunno why. Haha Oh, and when someone says "Fanny" I just find it REALLY funny! :"> E.G- "You bloody fanny!" :)
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