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About Perez

  • Birthday 12/22/1980

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Rui Perez
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired 4 Play
  • Country
    Portugal, Portuguese Republic

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials, Bmx, Video Filming & Editing.
  • Location
    Sintra - Portugal

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10280 profile views

Perez's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Epic riding Ricardo! Keep more riding posted!
  2. Perez

    A Day Off the Road

    Nice feeling James :-D
  3. Perez

    Cocky Silex

    Very good man, butter smooth!
  4. Aurel drinked 145 Red-Bulls before, what a party animal!
  5. The Monty´s are even lighter than the Echo´s i think, i have Rockman´s now, and im going to drill some holes, bike is now with 6005g, she will never crack them anytime soon, when that time comes i´ll change it. Thanks anyway for the time boys, pictures soon :-D
  6. It´s not for me, it´s for my 7 yrs old daughter, trying to put a sub 6kg bike for her, i would snap those cranks with my fat 90kg ass in a afternoon :-D
  7. Hello guys, does anyone remenber a trials brand that has the lightest cranks available? I know they are lighter than the Monty ones, can´t quite remember the name of them. 158/160mm cranks. Thanks in advance.
  8. I was wondering the same.. ahaha! Cool video dude, keep sending more!
  9. Would love to see a Game of Bike between NT, DW, and Bersha :-D
  10. You don´t ride hard enough yet. Then you will change that opinion.
  11. Shimano all the way, or BB7´s.
  12. For me his worst video to date, and im a fan. Never understood why the angry down the hill like the world was ending thing, and 7 minutes was too much.
  13. When people start riding road bikes it´s like a call for help.
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