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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. hi guys, i would consider myself a pretty decent rider for only having a years experiance.. but anyway i have this weird problem where i pedal kick, drop, pedal up etc. with my left foot forward, but i can only really balance, hop up with my right foot forward which means it makes it very akward for me to get up around tight objects and more importantly hook things as when get my front wheel hooked over i need to switch my right foot forward which i obviously cant as theres no room to move the cranks around... is this just me lol :/ and anyone got advice ?
  2. what was the dude thinking at 3:25 lol
  3. iknow this isnt big to most of you boys but 6'5" drop
  4. Tkirk


    so basically been busy all week, out all weekend and kinda lost motovation to go out and ride later... anyone got any good video sudgestions to get me pumped !
  5. Tkirk

    Rick Koekoek

    iknow.. i want his frame lol
  6. Tkirk

    Rick Koekoek

    this dude doesnt get enough hype as he shud... by far my fav rider, so aggressive ! whats everyone else's thought on him ! ! !
  7. so i currently ride the koxx silver sky.. but lately i find its kinda short for me also i think its very bulky.. anyone got any ideas on different frames i should consider *not too much longer though* thanks
  8. anyone got any pics of this place.. would mind trying to get riding it thanks
  9. koxx siver sky which is for sale atm as im looking something different
  10. heyy. i ride the silver sky, do you think there is much difference?
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