"im in the caymen islands trying to find you a piece of rock for a present"
thats my dad having a dig at me because i brought him back a piece of rock from the grand canyon once. i thought i t was a good idea :lol:
heres my new ride, shes a beast. feels nicer for flicky moves>
quick spec: t-maf frame, rear profile on ronnie, x-lite cranks,kmc cool, drilled maggie levers, v12s and monty forks.
the part at 9 minutes is probably some of the best trials ive ever seen, that video is like jt! said , great for learning , but not great entertainment, i think im gonna watch it everyday, well done yaozhi (sp?0
i remeber landing a drop with my right foot rolled right over, and my ankle swelled up loads, it took about 3 days to be ok to walk on and about 4-5 days till riding was comfortable(this was on a cocktail of ibrofens, 2 every morning and night) hope this helps
well its ok to do that if your made of money, i prefer to look after my ronnie, it has a rather large dent, but that dosent mean im going to smash it up!
go for the ronnie, i run my profile omn it and apart from one dent(which was completely my fault) its been pretty good, great braking suface, strong and quite light.
how strange the last topic i go to read before i go to bed, and yes sorry to say but i used that in my first ever vid, but you can use it if you want
dosent bother me. (Y)
edit: just incase your interested here it is, but remember this was last year!
my first vid
my friend has had to replace his 6 times in about half a year, yet ive been running maggies for almost a year and a half (and 3 years on my full susser) yet ive never had any problems. maybe its the same as some people find money others dont, some ACS's last for years some last for hours, ...know what i mean (Y)
edit: i just use the standard stuff, but i may upgrade to braided stuff next time i bleed my brake.