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Everything posted by rickycoleman

  1. well, i dont know what to say, i bought my t-mag a week after you, so it looks like i only have one week left! i had the same problem with the brake mounts, they were welded on out of line and i had to drill my threashold booster, ok, nowim worried. :huh:
  2. Well it really does depend on how much you have, i you have a lot of money then you may aswell get a whole new full build. whereas if you only have a bit it may just be worth upgrading what you've got, If i were you id get some lighter forks and maybe go to single speed and get some new cranks? but i think it's a good starteds bike as it is.
  3. Thats a very strange little mix, but as long as it rides nice, thast the main thing. do you lose much power from using front sus?
  4. nice video, i enjoyed watching it, but it wouldnt have hurt to have a little bit more fun with timing of the music going along with the riding, if you know what i mean? well done
  5. Good to hear you enjoyed it, hopefully we shall organised another one after our exams, it would be better if more people showed up this time though :angry:
  6. lmao at the poll results! i really cant stand it, i change the channel when its on, i dont watch music channels any more because of the amount of those shitty ringtone ads, does my head in.
  7. How old are the pads? maybe they have just seen better days? or they could be contaminated, it may sound a bit stupid but why not buy another set set of pads, like the new heatsinks, then see if the problem carries on, could be the rim? although i run RJ blues with tar, and never have any problems, only ran a grind for a little while due to the same problem your having.
  8. nice ones guys, i never thought of that, the beauty of having a forum to hand-priceless
  9. ok i've sold a guitar on ebay, And ive become a bit worried about how it should be packaged so its safe etc, has anyone one here sent one before and how did you do it? will i just need to find a big box? because that would be a problem, its a 3/4 accoustic. any help would be appreciated Ricky
  10. ok so are there any final numbers for saturday?
  11. yeah that sounds good to me, dont worry about your ability , im not any good either, its just a bit of fun, see you there!
  12. ok guys the time is 11:30 at hastings station, please post in here if your coming so we have some idea, thanks
  13. you geek fil, we mean the ones at rock'a'nore, they are beastly, we can go check 'em out saturday and find some decent lines for the group ride. ive been there a few times and they are good endless lines.
  14. chavified??? yeah thast another point, theres a load of rock s to ride, within 5 mins of the town centre, so if we get bored of street theres the rocks. anyone care to set a date?
  15. So a frame made out of cheese has no difference to a frame made out of u6 ?If you ask me , The material the frame is made out of makes quite a considerable differecnce.
  16. dont really know how to put it, we find it allright, , but i dont want to make it sound like some trials mecca then people get dissapointed, but yeah i think its pretty good.
  17. yeah i saw that too, the thing which got my attention is that its made from 7005 ,same as the new t-mag, worrying.
  18. ok , we've noticed a few trials riders floating around here and there, so if anyone wants to ride hastings soonish post in here to give us an idea if anyone wants to go, rick
  19. ..fitness programe, so they could take on the korean army, whilst
  20. i started when i was just before i was 14 so thats almost two years ago, makes me feel really young.
  21. nice gap, pretty big, now you have to go to front whel though.... (Y)"
  22. i think it looks cool when your veins are all 'pumped'. when i broke my backwheel and could ride for a month i saw a drastic difference in the size of my arms, i think trials is a real good work out.
  23. Its a bit like drinking coke all day, everyday, for a month without brushing your teeth, its fairly obvious your teeth would ache like balls and proberly fall out. it amazes me how people watch that and say 'oh my god i cant eat MCdonalds ever again', plus all american arnt fat, walk around a town centre in britain and i bet 3 out of every 5 people you see are either obeese or overweight. stop being so mean to americans fil you scumbag (Y)
  24. exactly what i was thinking, not all of us like to throw money away.
  25. absolutely nuts, i cant beleive the level of riding now, its just crazy, loved the wheel swaps on rails.
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