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Everything posted by HippY

  1. HippY

    New Zoot Ork

    thanks for saying. i just need a new bike, and so far Ill buy a Zoot, probably a new, but ill see that what deals will be there for the used ones
  2. HippY

    New Zoot Ork

    Hey guys, I just saw that the Zoot fork got a new paintjob, looking good! cant wait for the new one! https://www.tartybik...roduct_id=11431
  3. The Genesis looks awesome! So it will be in the stores around August? By the way, is there any information about the Zoot?
  4. nice one! nice video, keep going! where do you live? Do you have anyone else who can teach you ?
  5. nagyon jó a videó! látszik, hogy sokat gyakoroltál, egyensúlyod meg a technikát baromi jó, a videózás is első osztályú! csak így tovább! (just said that it is a good video, and keep going in Hungarian:D)
  6. have you ever ridden a bmx? or a street trick bike or a mountain bike? there are 3 sizes: mod: 20 inch ( sometimes 19 the backwheel), same as BMX, 24 inch ( some trick bike between stock and mod) and stock, 26 inch ones. Basically they arfe the same size, only the wheels smaller or bigger, the chase and the bar are roughly at the same position, so it doesnt really matter how tall are you. I am 185 cm and 65 kg and i ride a mod, and it is good for learning, altough i will change to 24 inch ones. At first, buy a bike on your experiences. if you are familiar with the small wheel, mod, if the bigger ones, stock. Try to buy the best you could. After that, when you will start to learn trials, you will see that you like that size or not. You could change your bike after that. So at first try to find a good value bike. It does not really matter, what brand is, the most important thing is how good condition is it. After you got, find a spot ( preferebly a quiet spot, you wont get ashamed by any body else or its depenging on you, but if there are other riders, its better) then practice as much as you can,
  7. As a bike set up a budget. after that go on the for sale forum here, or pinkbike.com buysell/europe, there are a lot of good bikes too. as a bike, try to buy the best what you could from your money. ( see this forum here) Tricks: trashzen.com is it a good site for learning, there are a lot of tricks explained and showed, and you should search it on youtube, there are a lot of videos too what should help you At first, you should improve your balance. Trackstand, Endos, rocking, pivots, backwheelhop, hops, they are easier to learn, and they give a lot of balance to you. and the most important: practice as much as you can. it will be pretty difficult at first, but after that you learnd them, it will be much easier to go on-
  8. im in love with that frame... nice bike!
  9. congratulation! good luck with that style! anyway, i think everyone could call that style differently, but if you like it, then it doesnot matters. anyway where do you live?
  10. HippY


    go back Hungary for a month, be with my girlfriend, go on sex, alcohol and carbonhydrate diet, party all long, go back NI, find job, ride my bike, buy a new one( if ill have a job) long strory short
  11. you should start with the trial based tricks, like trackstand, rocking/pivot, endo, backwheelhop. after that you could work on jump on/down things and after that(or long time before that) you will see that you love this style or you would like to learn street tricks too.
  12. Hey, im completely newbie, i just would like to ask that why is it good to go brakeless and what kind of tricks is it good to practice?
  13. can you make a video while you use it downhill? never saw a downhill one before.( trials only in video too.) for me you are a magician if you can ride, because in hungary it is not popular only in circuses ( altough i couldnot get ride it )
  14. trashzen is the best site, i am completely alone and what i learnd so far i learned from there. for videos you should check thinkbikes channel
  15. 1st thing bike. 2nd. ambition 3. lot of practicing this is the base of all. you should start with trackstand and rocking/pivot and endo, after that backwheel hop. it will give you a basic feeling for the bike and your balance will improve. try to follow a line, thats a good technik for balance!
  16. try to look for base bike t20/t18 they are cheap (under 100Ł) and good for starting. the problem is with the bmx is that diferrent from the trial bike
  17. Hello Everyone but especially riders from Northern Ireland! We should organize a ride together in Belfast ( or if you got an another idea for a big place and what is close to everyone than say it) to meet with the members of this small community and get know each other and have fun of course. Any idea or who would be happy about it?
  18. hey i know that it is that an old topic but i live in Armagh and im looking for some riders, because im alone and i just started and some help would be handy. pm me and we will figure it out ok?
  19. welcome! good luck with the learning what do you know so far?
  20. Hey, he just wanted to help i already ask him to translate some sentence, because my korean knowledge as big as the chinese one....
  21. Hello! i just started trials and i just got stuck in the backwheel hops. i only can do 1 or 2 than somehow i just drop it. How should i learn a proper backwheel hop? Or what could i do bad? My biggest problem is that there is only the internet who can help me at the moment, there are no riders near me :/
  22. as for the starting it is a perfect bike i think. i got a base t20 for 50Ł(worth around that...) and i got progression too, altough its slower than yours:D and if you think that a stock or 24 would suit you better than you will able to change that too
  23. hey, im from Northern Ireland and in this county (armagh) literally nobody does trial, i heard that there are some bmx riders in the near but i never saw them. it would be really awesome if someone would do it in the near, because its pretty hard to start it completely alone.
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