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Everything posted by HippY

  1. I have an ATX case, Zalman Z11, with a Xigmatek Dark Knight 2 cooler The CPU is cool, the cooler works and it is not loud. the GPU with its 230W TDP is the big heater, and then there is my FX 8320 (stock clocks) rated 125W. maybe a CPU and a (later) GPU combo (980 or R9 nano?) would be a good investment. especially that I cant wait for the Ocolus Rift
  2. okay we have 2 issues with my PC The GTX 770 is a beast, the " problem" is that the software lets it OC to the max, and that is 85C, and the cooler cant really keep up so it is really loud. secondly, the whole PC is really warm. so warm in fact that even when I leave it idling for a few hours in the closed room (10% use on CPU and GPU) my room is much warmer... ideas I have: get a i5 haswell with a mobo so the CPU will be 84W TDP instead of 125W get a more efficient cooling like WC and keep the temps low. Problem with these ideas is that they are expensive. Skylake is a bit more, thanks to DDR4. So I wait until I sell my car, and probably look into this problem a bit more
  3. People playing drinking games insyead of properly drinking I miss Northern Ireland a lot. It just weird down here
  4. nah, that is my grammar after a physics lesson and before a coffee slightly hangover. but she is a girl ( hopefully) nah, she just have a shot that no one could drink, but I could easily, as the drink is from Hungary... thanks... I guess? but yeah, she is just a friend as of now, but hey, something happened with me!
  5. yesterday I met a cute girl, who I have met in a flat party before, and hugged me and said I am his favorite person in the world:) aand she is 20 not 2!
  6. not even footman james regarding girl situation, I am talking to a few girls here, and it works alright. there is a cute german girl next door, but the main problem here is that while other " art" degrees has between 0-2 hours per day, I am at uni 9-5 or 10-6 with a few hours here and there from Monday to Thursday and 9-12 on Friday with tons of homework so so far I had no freetime do to.... anything really.
  7. ill take a look altough the main problem with my is that I am 21 and no ncb... but ill take a loo EDIT: what classic car insurance company would give me quick online quote? I do not want to talk to anyone, just get a rough number EDIT EDIT: nah they dont like me.
  8. you can imagine how quick my corsa is The problem with the miata is that something smells really badly, I tried to make the insurance with the company own system, same details yet it throws me £3000 so probably confused sends something funny. I do not want to risk with that amount of money, especially now. so sadly Miata is not an answer and yes, I wont find a proper sports car under insurance group 10.
  9. interesting things regarding Mx5 it must be NB and 1.6l. then the insurance is £550 per year. but for that I must register the car to Northern Ireland and saying that it is normally kept there. I can sort it out fairly easily, as 6 month and 1 day os over half a year, legally solved. thing is, it is through an insurance company who gives half the price than rest of the people. Last time I tried to buy a car and insure it with them, I edited, as they took my named driving as bonus, yet I had none, it jumped to over £1000... I think I will not go that way, as I do not want to risk them to call me back in a month time saying that there was an error/my details were not right thanks to confused software error. other options: A keep current car running. probably if it pass MOT on the cheap this will be the option B: change it something similar-ish until April (bonus 1). cars that I can consider: Grande Punto 1.2 ( insurance is same)/ Golf 4 or similar year and style cars with a 1.4 engine (+20 per month.) they are certeainly sweet problems, but problems non the less.
  10. I am watching gumtree, youtube of mx5 and thinking to change my car in end of october I think i fell in love
  11. oh wow, Australia got 2100% more points than Argentine in this game
  12. At a flat party at ours trying to have fun but im really tired. There are tons of girls, but so far im " tge guy with the weird name and accent" fml
  13. oh wow so my car is coming up for an MOT in October so I was looking for 2 options: A: sell it. sadly there is no car club or anything like that to drive her, and uni is 5 minutes of walking distance B: try to push it through or if it fails then change it, so basically keep the car. If I keep it then story goes on until April, until I have my bonus 1 so I was having fun with confused.com and gumtree. I saw some fairly cheap ( under £1000) NB and some NA miatas, and I was like give it a go in confused So my permanent address is in Northern Ireland, my temporary is in Leeds. If I say that the car is in Leeds, insurance is £1000, as much as for my Corsa for a full year If I say that I keep my car in Northern Ireland, then insurance is £529 per year... that is less then the remainder for this years insurance. Probably I will ( and I should) choose option one, especially because of the lack of car culture ( uni students tend not to have a car)... but sometimes its fun to play with these thoughts
  14. I would advise you against 40" inch. You will get tired of it for normal usage
  15. dont worry guys, it transfers via sex, so I am 100% safe
  16. Uni so far so good! At 3rd day so far I spent 6x as much on drinks as on food, but my food bills are fairly low, like £5 per day Also, I tried cooking today, £3 bag of mixed seafood, 37p garlic bread, some cheese and olives with jalapeno, and it turned out to be amazing, and surprisingly large portion! Cannot wait the course to start though
  17. with a Corsa C 1.0 that is fully loaded with stuff? not a chance sadly:/
  18. okay, it was a nice trip I left home at 1:30 am, with no sleep as I could not sleep Arrived in Belfast on time, got on the ferry, landed in Scotland. A75 was maniac, I was driving with 60 mph, and lorries SHOULD be limited to 55 mph in the UK. And these lorries were overtaking me! That made me stop for a brief moment, let them pass, and continue on with my journey Rest of the journey went alright, arrived in Leeds, packed into my hall that is super amazing, and now I am just setting things up and sorting it out, should be fine shortly! I am so excited about uni
  19. Guys, my granny is a legend She invited me over for lunch, and got me some beers and chocolate for the trip( tgen i carefully explained that drinking and driving is bad) and helped me clean the car with window cleaner, dash shine, tyre shine and external black trim peace cleaner. After she sprayed it on the paint ( that is extremely faded vauxhall fiery red) she realised that it makes the car shine so she sprayed it on half of the car. After i tried to explain her that oil + car is not the best( it is an oily substrate) for example when you move for practical reasons she kept continouing spraying So now i have a nice red but oily car that i will wash as soon as i can...
  20. HippY

    US holiday alone

    yeah, hostels definitely will be useful plan is slightly modified, this time coming from colorado, looking at Salt Lake City, then GRand Canyon and then Las Vegas and up north Tickets to New York will be bought in a month time, after I see the dates and other bits for uni
  21. Is it a good pay there? i have heard that australia is madly expensive
  22. HippY

    US holiday alone

    @Tony Harrison Okay, then decisions were made, the planning phase begins, trying to fit in a budget It seems like if I rent a car wisely ( for like 4 days), get my return flights from Leeds to New york return( cheapest) and do 5-6 hrs drivings( as said by google, except from Washington to Toronto, then to Chicago 8 hrs each) then it is doable for reasonable price! Thanks guys for your help, now I am a more confident, as I mainly heard negative things about US ( or way too good, if that makes sense) so I was not sure whether it is doable
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