Yesterday I washed the car in the lorry yard, proper hot foam and water for free, she was a beauty
Drove home, it was sunny, sunroof open, music blasting proper fun
got a £10 FM transmitter off a local shop, and it works but really weak. I will look for a 12V plug at the rear , but if there is non then I pry it open, study it then boost the signal somehow, not too worried there
This morning I started the car, the oil lamp flashed for a brief moment, then the car did not start, but there was no signals...
Took out the key, waited 30s, and it started. Then the fuel was low (thanks mum!) and I needed to go and fuel it, so I am late to work
I will go home, and check the oil. if it is not at the top, ill be pretty angry, as I topped it up last week.
Also it is a cheap oil (20W-40 or something) so next weekend we will change the oil for a proper one and the oil filter.
And no matter how hard you tried to convince me, I will change the rims over time, for a nice white one. Not sure about lowering though, as the car looks okay, and can be driven everywhere, and I do intend to drive it