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Everything posted by HippY

  1. just checked the oil, it still has loads in there. On the weekend ill change to oil and filter for good ones, should help .
  2. Yesterday I washed the car in the lorry yard, proper hot foam and water for free, she was a beauty Drove home, it was sunny, sunroof open, music blasting proper fun but got a £10 FM transmitter off a local shop, and it works but really weak. I will look for a 12V plug at the rear , but if there is non then I pry it open, study it then boost the signal somehow, not too worried there This morning I started the car, the oil lamp flashed for a brief moment, then the car did not start, but there was no signals... Took out the key, waited 30s, and it started. Then the fuel was low (thanks mum!) and I needed to go and fuel it, so I am late to work I will go home, and check the oil. if it is not at the top, ill be pretty angry, as I topped it up last week. Also it is a cheap oil (20W-40 or something) so next weekend we will change the oil for a proper one and the oil filter. And no matter how hard you tried to convince me, I will change the rims over time, for a nice white one. Not sure about lowering though, as the car looks okay, and can be driven everywhere, and I do intend to drive it
  3. Here in Northern Ireland we rented a house (3 bedrooms, ground plus 1st floor, good area) for £400, and now we are renting a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 large living rooms, a large kitchen and 2 water blocks for £600. both of them were 5-10 minutes by car to the nearest city (cities around 20K population, so quite small). They are not that much more expensive in the city too Those numbers seem large compared here, but then again, there are way more people/opportunities over there
  4. Just saw my 2nd solar eclipse in my life! It was clear, as in a proper engineering school we had welding shields so we were seeing it clearly
  5. Today is solae eclipse day but the weather is proper shite, thick clouds and no sign of the sun( it has not started yet.)
  6. at age of 18? Is not that a little early?
  7. Today was not quite effective: Did some programming, I came to conclusion, that I suck at C, but I progressed a bit though Played games all day long, I have not played that much since I turned 18 I was wondering if I need to quantify the people I call friend and meet occasionally, and they ring me up first, how much would it be. 1. He lives near London. I am a miserable f*ck. I need to relearn to socializing from the beginning.
  8. It is embedded C, what I love about it, is that you are not creating a code for the sake of code, but first you design the circuit, then you use the code to make the circuit work in ways that would not be possible/would be extremely hard with just dumb devices I am okay with programming but my heart is at PCB design
  9. anyone does/likes C programming here? As a preparation for competition I am doing a game with scrolling landscape and lives with an 64*64 LED array and PIC chip Anyone interested in the final product? still WIP
  10. that is a good thing, front tyres can loose grip in roundabouts when going slowly oookay, you won guys
  11. This is the most beautiful thing anyone has said about my Ferrari!
  12. I try not to go on the other side of modifications, and first step will be the mechanical parts changing I know it is not going to be a racecar, but I just want it to look nice, if I am going to keep it for a year minimum That is a valid point though. but I want it to look proper(ish)
  13. I am going to buy the car so naturally I am looking for parts and upgrade parts prices 2 discs and pads are cheaper than 2 discs, no pads, on my bikes (£27 solid, £35 vented, £90 vented drilled slotted), front brakes are worn I will change it by time lowering springs: £70 my frame and for = £150 Wheels : set of 4 black 15" BBS = £200 ( 2 bike wheels are around the same too) I know that it is a cheap car (1.0 Corsa) but still, it is cheaper than the bike by a large margin.... A good surprise
  14. Part 2 of todays rant bike was strange but felt good rear chain is eaither too loose or tighter than my liking. i was like the wheel spins freely and the freewheel got 1.5 hrs beding in, what cab happen of some light backwheel hops? riding felt great but it was time to go home on the way bacK there was a loud bang. not sure whether it was the freewheel or chain or the snailcam jumping... going home reading new, Jeremy Clarkson is fired from top gear no airing this sunday.... amazing fcuking day.
  15. It is sunny, 13 C degree had some freetime, so it is bike time I left the brake spacer at the bus stop at the train station, the bike lock was on my neck as I left my bag at home but who cares, I can ride! Went to the school dropped off my stuff and tools as I will not need it After 30 minutes of ride I felt some wonkiness at the front at the skatepark I checked the brakes, solid as hell frontwheel is 100% loose. if it was not for the Echo hub, it would just fall out. tools were in school I put the bike back to the bike lot, ill tighten the bolts then ride home as whole afternoon ill be in school... Rookie mistakes were made...
  16. is it even road legal? AFAIK lights must have the CE certificate (hence I have not fabricated lights for my Ferrari)
  17. They are lesbians and the are friends, they are a weird mix between girls and boys
  18. Last night I was talking with 2 girl friends, they are a couple and after half a bottle of whisky and Smirnoff ice we started to talk about having a threesome about why I do not have a girlfriend Long story short: - I am too chaotic, I like to make things as complicated as possible. It can make me look like a guy who really really tries (although I just love English language and I try to use it to my best ability) and my speech skills are not the greatest so it might be hard to understand ///problem that it is just... me -no chatuplines -Lack of questions -I am not too masculine ("little bit gay") // no f**king clue how to solve this problem, help! -No clubs as I do not feel at home there, I should go out in cafes and pubs - I must ride my bike so I will be outside as much as I can - try to bring balance to study and work // it is biased to study now too much Got some work to do and I must change so when I will be in Leeds with Master Tinder, I would have a slight chance to get a gf
  19. Decisions were made. Leeds as first choice and Birmingham as second for uni

    1. bing


      Leeds leeds leeds

    2. HippY


      I was on a date with Dan, since then Im in love with Leeds :)

  20. might be (it is a big might) If my car will be in UK, then certainly, I can only say certain in around June July time
  21. HippY

    magura workers

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-to-2007-Impreza-WRX-STi-Genuine-used-brembo-brake-caliper-n-s-/181666199302?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4c263706 you can get a STI Brembo caliper for around the same price as a bike brake.. How good brake these are to worth that much? The most expensive Hope I found is £168, and there is MT8 that is £250..
  22. https://soundcloud.com/oliverkoletzki/olive-koletzki-sms-x7 Oliver Koltetzki has many great Minimal and Minimal house tracks and mixes, if you are into these things, you must check him out https://soundcloud.com/diplo/diplo-friends-bbcr1xtra-november-22nd-2014 Diplo is making really strange sounding mixes, mixing brostep, house and rap/hiphop all together, certainly interesting and if you like any of them worth check his channel out too. I am not a rap lover, but he made me think of few rap songs "okay" https://soundcloud.com/whatsonot/what-so-not-x-bbc1-xtra-owsla What so not is a member of OWSLA record group created by Skrillex. He usually plays Deep House /Chill tracks and his style is amazing These are a few mixes I like, but they are the only reason why I go to Soundcloud, and a few other songs as well Also it is worth to chekc Mixmag and DJ Soundshow channels on youtube they have some mad mixes too
  23. it does, so like 2-3 school trip ( 2-3x half an hour) will do it! I get warmer clothes tomorrow and ride as much as I can so I can ride it properly again
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