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CalRobbo341 last won the day on July 2 2012

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About CalRobbo341

  • Birthday 02/14/1995

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  • Real Name
    Callum Robson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Compy dual disc thing
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I've always lived on the Wirral, about an hours drive from Preston and always rode rocks along the coastlines of wirral. Recently moved a bit higher up north, outskirts of Liverpool/going into Lancashire and it's about 20/25 minutes to Preston so I'm always up to see what's about Callum
  2. You're not the lad from Manchester and came to New Brighton the other week are you? Shame that it was miserable and not your riding style would of loved to watch. really enjoyed this little edit too :)
  3. Fake badge ****head I know but I'm not really arsed, there's a chip in the grill behind the badge and the VXR's come with a badge roughly in that place so I thought why not, problem?
  4. Never took many pictures of my car but decided to actually take some earlier this evening. it's very dirty, just saying. Wrapped most of the interior the other day, lowered it, worked at a company known as cybox for a while and did a custom exhaust for it, decat 4-1 manny (nothing special at all), rear wing added, VXR wheels, k&n filter, done lots of little bits and bobs along the way but can't do much more without spending a fortune and would rather get something that is more powerful and handles much better. Some pics and a wee vid, opinions of it are welcomed.
  5. Feels unbelievably good to be back on the bike!

  6. Having a bit of trouble with my Astra H if anyone has any ideas on here? Asked around on some other forums like but worth a go!? So I've had trouble starting the car once before this, but that was purely because I left my side lights on for a few hours and then went back to the car and had drained the battery? Quick jump start and a run on the motorway and all was fine. But this time, did a 45 mile trip up to Preston and starting/driving was fine but to get back home had to push start it and also had to get fuel on the way home and it wouldnt start after that either; so another push start was needed. I know I didnt leave the lights on ect because I triple check that stuff now so it doesnt happen again. Im just unsure on what to check first/how to check it/and what any of you would recommend, its doing a ticking noise when trying to turn it over which I presume is the starter motor? I can only guess its the starter motor, alternator or the battery. Any help is appreciated
  7. The weather is pretty shocking around me all weekend but North Wales isn't looking all that bad. also wouldn't mind riding a bit of natural so any riders there that are willing to come up on Sunday, looks to be the better two of my days off like.
  8. typically, i have zero confidence side hopping with brakes, i can't do anything close to what i could without brakes like, jut practice i suppose. managed to snap my rear axle earlier too, so ride came to an early end. might invest in a chorillas one, if i feel i need one.
  9. So seeing as I bought a pair of disc brakes (eventually, like seriously man!) I decided to work through my lunch break at work and make a disc protector for the back end. Went straight to tarty's site and did a quick sketch up (thank you snapchat for being my drawing pad during late night thoughts) of what I wanted, did a drawing on cardboard (thanks to my empty cereal box from the morning), cut the cardboard and then cut some stainless sheet and drilled it! It looks okay and has a tad bit of flex in it and its only a guard, not a sort of aid, so I guess it's be meant to flex a little bit to allow for impact? I was just curious if it would be worth making one for the front? I seen there's a question on the site asking if it can be done, but i've never seen it done so just curious and not sure if I would be likely to bash it. Some pictures if you want them.
  10. quick reminder on how to leave feedback for someone? alls I remember is you have to paste the for sale add.. been a long day.

    1. isitafox


      Feedbacks been out of use for months

  11. Why don't the BBC have some sort of channel that they can run programmes over onto? I don't min a bit of tennis, but what I really wanted to watch with my dinner, was Top Gear. Sigh.
  12. I spy a trials bike:):):)

  13. Anyone think that its worth it? Dual 160 BB7's? I'm sure I think its ogre? Runs a rear cable disk but not sure which one. Is it worth it? Looking at around £80 for the lot, Cheers. Providing I get it setup with the wrote cable/alignment etc.
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