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Chris Borneo

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Everything posted by Chris Borneo

  1. You're clearly trying to make it ride like a 20" Inspired so why don't you just sort the forks out, make the frame taller and add a saddle. Might give you half a chance of selling some bikes.
  2. I don't know that it's really as simple as the kitten diagram makes out. For one it relies on an equal and opposing force acting on each end of the structure which is not really true to a bike frame. I don't really know which option is best. Think you'd have to use some kind of simulator or a force diagram taking into account all the forces present which I think would be pretty difficult as everyone has a different riding style putting different forces through their frame. Gotta say though, there's enough frames built both ways to suggest that it's maybe not the massive design flaw that some people are making it out to be. On the other hand I do think this bike looks ugly as sin and for that kind of riding style I reckon you'd be better on something with a bit more of a BMX influenced design.
  3. If Steel Panther made trials bikes... Decided to move from the frame I borrowed to my own before I dented it. Decided to go for a quick rattle can paintjob with some ghetto gumwalls done with a brush. Was hoping it would be a lot darker. Might have to matt black it. Rides like a beast though and can take some beatings.
  4. Bro, you are a straight up badass rebel! I'll bet you get all the chicks!
  5. Are the cranks marked from being fitted? If it not, i'd take em back to the bike shop and tell em to sort their shit out.
  6. Looks like I'm back on for a ride. See yous in a bit
  7. Didn't you ask the doctor how long you should rest? I usually go by what they say less a week or two, depending, unless they're talking months. Used a support with a plastic insert before which was sooo restrictive but anything else i tried and I was In agony. Can't make comment on martial arts or weightlifting style supports/wrapping.
  8. Wish I'd seen this sooner. I've got 72 238mm stainless spokes in the shed doing nothing.
  9. Could you still send it back and get the wider bb version? Then you could space out the drive side as much as you need and space out the other side to take up any slack. Don't know what the chain stay is like (can't see the pics) but wouldn't be in a hurry to start filing it away if it was mine.
  10. Can't ride tomorrow now. Gutted. Probably be rolling down the seafront this afternoon though if anyone's about.
  11. Ha ha, thought had crossed my mind but no. Couldn't ditch the brakes all together. Used to ride BMX brakeless but that's totally different for me. Taking the brakes off is to restricting on a trials bike. There's not much if anything you can't do on a bike with brakes that you can do on a bike without just don't pull the brake. I appreciate the simplicity of a brakeless bike an all (especially after nearly breaking my hand last night) but it's not worth it for me for trials. Having just a rear at the moment is bad enough.
  12. Went out for a quick roll this evening and decided to take on a new line without using my brake. Felt really good even with an awkward bail that nearly snapped my fingers off with the bloody brake lever. Couldn't take it off though but might start using it less in the right situations.
  13. Good way to tell can be the dropouts although they sometimes vary depending on the model and year.
  14. Yeah, quite often companies like Shadow Conspiracy have components made by manufacturers in the far east and it may be a manufacturers stamp completely unrelated to the brand. Doesn't necessarily mean they aren't Shadow forks.
  15. Never rammed a car as tight as some of these but me n my mates used to go everywhere in my mk1 fiesta 3 bikes and 3 of us all piled in till someone I know got rear ended in a car full of bikes. No one got hurt but a pair of forks went through one of the seats and just missed the guy who was sitting in it. Pretty much always sling the bikes on the back if I can now.
  16. Really liked this article and I reckon it gives a good insight into riding brakeless. Do find most brakeless videos a bit hit n miss though. Really liked that 001 though. Been watchin a load of videos since getting back on my bike and I was really stoked on all the riding in that.
  17. Couldn't have put it better.
  18. All above are good points but if you don't absorb the impact through your legs properly you're gonna feel it! Good technique takes time but you can probably improve a lot from watching other people ride and even videos. Gotta soak up that impact.
  19. Think it looks good with the bits you've done already. subtle bit of orange looks better than having it everywhere for me. Just my opinion though. If you want to go crazy, this might inspire you. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-s1xTwtQLLHU/Tr6jptJv8cI/AAAAAAAAC8o/XNE_NbI0VyA/s1600/sunday.jpg
  20. Good call I reckon. I've had bad experiences with Token stuff. Found the quality to be seriously lacking.
  21. Rad. Should be about Sunday. You guys usually ride the seafront or more in town? Shit, that's the only weekend me n the missus have both got off work for a while. With that n pay day falling at the same time I'll probably be either hungover, shopping or if I'm reall unlucky both, for most of the weekend, but might be able to squeeze a ride in
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