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Everything posted by FamilyBiker

  1. new toy,got it with a little upgrade. Hope crankset,trial zone, pro 5. Love it.
  2. Lol decided to save myself the hassle of riding a modstock and got myself this. The End 🤣🤣
  3. Well anyways, I built this sucker up and thought I'd share regardless. Geo is 1070//+40//385
  4. Indeed looks close to a genesis,good call. Few details differ though,like the seatstay gusset missing and headtube drilled 2 times instead of one rectangle hole on mine here. Thanks anyways,gave me a direction
  5. Long time no see gentlemen. I recently got a hold of this bike and i cant find any info what brand and model it is. Any ideas? Help well appreciated,cheers
  6. Nothing special, Just an old fart getting into it again after nearly 3 years of a health break...
  7. My tip is to get a Helmet You want a front- and a backwheel in your life,not a left and a right one.
  8. the coolest thing in trials is - if you invest the time and learn the stuff ( and i am talking about some moves that may be seen as simple taking you 4 weeks to nail them and stuff) you will most probably never unlearn any of it,unlike other disciplines (i rode dirt jumps for quite a few years but the skills are gone after 7 years of trials,whereas i had a health break from trials for the last 3 years but the trials skills were back on day 2). still can hop onto something like 60-80 cm height but i will most probably wreck myself doing a jump over any double out there^^
  9. Well after all these years its time for some retro feel.frame didnt even have the threads tapped.unused condition
  10. I dont have a clue why because i've literally tried everything but its still going strong.
  11. still the same ole marino cuy ,i tried everything but it just wont break edit,sorry for the crap smartphone snapshot
  12. 74mg would result in a hell of a headache even for heavy smokers i think ^^
  13. well if you guys stay in the EU you will find out it wont>> tpd2 EU Tabacco Directive
  14. running an onza tooth fairy bashring on my holzfeller cranks on the marino. bought it new and unused last year though^^ have the onza cleaner of my mate robert in the shed,its still in build process so no pics yet not exactly retro,huh?
  15. to be honest i think it would look more thought through if it had just so much more bb height i mean i know its pretty high now,but it would look so much better imo overall a nice bike though
  16. me was bored^^ if i get it right its some kind of flat ribbon clapton.intense flavour and even at 20 watts as usualits a good dense vape,which surprises me,thought the ramp up would ruin it but it hits
  17. i see all this tanks and great reviews of them but no matter how hard i try,i ust cant get on with tanks in general. drippers are my way of vape it seems,KBOX with a little boy rda in single coil mode 0.4ohm @20watts but hey mike,will try some of the wire youve sent me again later on today.will put a pic of the fresh build up if you like
  18. to mention it,popcorn lung from vaping is a lie.to inhale the concentration you get OB (thats what the lung disease is called short here) from you have to be really working in a chinese popcorn factory. cigarettes contain 10k times more diacetyl than butter flavors for e-liquids. smokers and especially non smokers cant get this,but its true.how millions of vapers feel healthwise compared to when they were smoking...including myself there wasnt a single day i wasnt coughing up weird colours every morning when i was smoking.i got flu and other infections 5-10 times a year ,now its 1-3 times as any other guy .if someone could proof me wrong and give me clear evidence id quit vaping right away,but until this day science failed to do so. so vape on,living in an industrialized country will kill you before vaping will edit:damn spelling errors:) have a good start of 2016 everybodeh!
  19. what ive seen is that everyone is recommending the aromamizer RDTA.i am into drippers full on still,so if you need tips for a decent dripper id say veritas rda all the way
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