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FamilyBiker last won the day on December 13 2024

FamilyBiker had the most liked content!

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    Marino 24",1030/358/+52/73°
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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. new toy,got it with a little upgrade. Hope crankset,trial zone, pro 5. Love it.
  2. Lol decided to save myself the hassle of riding a modstock and got myself this. The End 🤣🤣
  3. Well anyways, I built this sucker up and thought I'd share regardless. Geo is 1070//+40//385
  4. Indeed looks close to a genesis,good call. Few details differ though,like the seatstay gusset missing and headtube drilled 2 times instead of one rectangle hole on mine here. Thanks anyways,gave me a direction
  5. Long time no see gentlemen. I recently got a hold of this bike and i cant find any info what brand and model it is. Any ideas? Help well appreciated,cheers
  6. Nothing special, Just an old fart getting into it again after nearly 3 years of a health break...
  7. My tip is to get a Helmet You want a front- and a backwheel in your life,not a left and a right one.
  8. the coolest thing in trials is - if you invest the time and learn the stuff ( and i am talking about some moves that may be seen as simple taking you 4 weeks to nail them and stuff) you will most probably never unlearn any of it,unlike other disciplines (i rode dirt jumps for quite a few years but the skills are gone after 7 years of trials,whereas i had a health break from trials for the last 3 years but the trials skills were back on day 2). still can hop onto something like 60-80 cm height but i will most probably wreck myself doing a jump over any double out there^^
  9. Well after all these years its time for some retro feel.frame didnt even have the threads tapped.unused condition
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