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Everything posted by Matthews

  1. Yea Dan thats shit hot son!!
  2. Me and my mates "borrow" a neat lil warehouse with loads of pallets in! Well good for them rainy days
  3. If you mean violence then No When i say the way they show it i mean as in signing , chantin not fighting
  4. No im not acting like a "twat" i just think football is better than rugby! And you may think different We dnt need a full scale argument about it! Im just tellin u my opinion
  5. Ha how am i actin like a retard its my personal opinion Or does'nt this forum alow that
  6. Thats all the over payed players like the chelsea scum. Championship football is a honest league where players aint scared to get stuck in for the cause! Oh and in reply to matt! Never once have i felt in danger at a away game!
  7. Not ALL football fans are hooligans!
  8. Yea every sport has banter between rival fans!! I just think they way football fans show it is better
  9. So ur tellin me you enjoy chasin after other men and wen u reach them u grab parts of them and wrestle them to the floor ok....... Watchin football is much better! The banter between fans is ace! " In the swansea slum , They look in a dustbin for summit to eat , They find a dead rat n think its a treat , in the swansea slums "
  10. Rugby is'nt a sport its a past time! Football is a propa sport CARDIFF CITY FC!! LOYAL SUPPORTER! 1-0 TO THE SHEEP SHAGGERS 1-0 TO THE SHEEP SHAGGERS! 1-0 . EASY EASY EASY EASY
  11. Why are some people on this forum f**kin twats! How about using his name and not refering to him as a f**ktard! Im sure if you met scott in person you would'nt call him a "f**ktard" as he is actully a really sound lad! But then again see'in though as some of you are complete arseholes i doubt it. He would rather people trying to help him rather than taking the piss!
  12. What ever you do NOT get a blow torch to it! Has been tried and tested by me :$
  13. I'd probs be playing football again Happy days oh and gettin pissed more often
  14. Matthews

    Vid 1

    Quality vid sam! .................... video quality was'nt amazing but meh its the ridin
  15. Another excellent video! I'v lost track of how many videos you've released in the past few months
  16. Best video i'v seen in ages Top notch........
  17. Really quality video! you got some real style!
  18. Evenin I'v just put my wheel back on today after a while not bothering and set everything up nice 'n' fine but when I went to ride it the cranks , chain and cassette would spin whenever I started to pedal around. Im totally confussed about this, the last time i used my bike it was fine. I havn't got a clue what it could be (Y) HELP NEEDED! cheerz
  19. Flat to Flat is 7-8ft Down gap is about 11ft (Y)
  20. Could you upload it to tv.isg pwees :P
  21. Must admit that is sexual :S Good job :rolleyes:
  22. Song - Naenia , It dies today Cheerz :rolleyes:
  23. Could someone please upload it to tv.isg Cheerz in advance :huh:
  24. Cheerz for the comments so far :P Its not the greatest video soo watch out for my next one :-
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