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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. my effect finally put together..... this was quite the pain in the arse to fit i do love a good spoke tensioner bodge enjoy....
  2. buy a monkey and teach it to smoke, that'd be way cooler....
  3. haha you found it quicker than me, id rather chime in and be wrong than say nowt.
  4. sure i saw the frame and forks on ebay last nite
  5. i got mine off gay bay, you looked there?
  6. unfortunatly 'knowing' somethings yours doesnt mean legal ownership, its what you can prove. even with a frame number youd need proof of purchase ie. a recipt with your name on it ect. it bullshit the way the police work, but thats how it is. have you tried contacting gum tree and explaining the situation? they may suspend the ad if your lucky. hope you get a happy conclusion mate, i f**king hate theives!!!
  7. like pete.m said only with a step drill, be nice to your dril though
  8. try it on something random first if your unsure, only way you could ruin it is if you leave it in for ages and the suface will go all pitted are you buying new? its avalible in silver at tarty
  9. in an empty ice cream tub lol mix up as little as possible just enough to submerge it will do, no point making loads if you dont need it youd be asking for troubble. i did my trialtech stem logos stayed on but the black was a bit more stubborn and had to be brushed off, if your worried about corrosive solutions you could always use a wire brush tool, itll take a lifetime and the finnish wont be uniform but its a bit safer
  10. ??? which bit makes you think im talking shit?
  11. i use caustic potash, works a treat just done my stem yesterday. easy to use just mix it with water depending how strong you want it, it should mention a ratio on the container, use plyers to fish your stuff out and drop into a tub of water to dilute the solution and brush off with a stiff brush (caustic potash is alkali so vinager is a good way to netruaise your home made stripper, having a jug full mixed with water handy is a must chemical burns arnt fun) dont be tempted to inhale any gasses given off either that will make you feel pretty ill
  12. throw that headset in the bin, there shit! i had the freeride one it was rubbish, save yourself the dissapointment there shite
  13. get a set of step drills and go wild on your front rim, got mine down to just under 460g with space for a few more holes too, it takes forever to do and i killed my drill in the process hahaha how do the pedals ride? been thinking of opening mine out too.....
  14. haddnt thought about rawing the rear rim, i dont want to upset the balance of black/silver with the forks.was gonna go with a silver rim tape on the back and black on the front. raw pedal cages would look better have been toying with the idea of drilling the holes bigger too, need a new drill though the holes in the front rim killed my last drill hahaha. new headset and chain next. glad you like.
  15. how could this go wrong? its clearly an awsome idea. when I used to live with a mate years ago i woke up to a garden bench, 8 gnomes, a no parking sign and a for sale sign in my kitchen, don't remember bringing them back or going out. must have been a good night.....
  16. so after being sick of looking through the countless listings of dj, xc and all the other crap claiming to be 'trials' related on gaybay, I thought to myself why doesn't tf have its own? ebay used to be a good place to sniff out a bargin but now its lame. I have no clue about web design and such but an auction section would be a great addition to tf. has this been asked before? cheers
  17. tryall 108.9 with light use just bedded in realy, was looking for somewere around 40 posted cheers
  18. left you some other day, still have the freewheel too if your still looking for one cheers again mate
  19. so I got an ashton effect frame (cheers murph82) and I remember reading on tarty's description that a 68mm shell bb will fit ( I think it said 73mm bb accepts a 68mm ) , has anyone tried this? it measures 73mm and surley if a 68mm was fitted it would be offset to the drive side of the bike? if that makes sence. any help? cheers
  20. keep getting the same thing, and a whole pm conversation dissappeard other day.
  21. had the same thing with my nokian's, just put pressure in I was going to use and rode 'em (like a normal bike lol) and they seated themself's on the rims fiine.
  22. glad you like it monkeymoped, will have to update pics soon, been battering overtime at work so I can get stuff I want lol. gunna have to get myself to a organised ride and get round to riding it.......
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