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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. considering the carbon goodies already on offer i'm suprised they're not in production, sure there was some dj ones around ages ago. forgot to add bead protectors on tyres, like the bits on crazy bob tyres, i'm sure they are a good way of preventing pinch flats
  2. no morre threaded hubs cranks, splined instead. crabon disc rims. rubberized kevlar tubes or a hybrid tubless setup. lgm disc pads. rotors with no holes in the braking face. stuff that doesn't cost as much......
  3. how was stuff packaged when it arrived, time it took to arrive? ive been curious to order from that ali place but i've read some shocking stories.....
  4. my old front rim (stock), tarty says 587g un-molested. still a few holes that havn't been opened up so a few g lighter when finnished.
  5. going out and getting a tattoo 'cos you want one is a stupid idea! knew a guy that had loads that he hated, one he had done at 13, he grew, it distorted and looked like a used jonny on his forearm, funny stuff! looking at all the drawings in tattoo shop is gay, there all generic stuff that you will see on someone else at some point. ,i've spent the past 3 years changing my mind about what slevee i want doing. or you could just emulate what you see on the net? this needs no caption - and go to an artist wh knows what there doing - its worth thinking ahead too, like what will this look like when i'm 60?
  6. i'd say more of a aliexpress or alibaba spin off, or waterever there called.
  7. more/bigger holes in your rim! assuming this is a weight saving exercise like my old front rim was......
  8. id say by the way your making it, it looks like it's pulling the chain down and away from your sprocket. if that makes sence? start at the part that contacts with the chain and work your way back checking after every bend, tedious work with plyers but worth it in the end. a pic of one of my efforts -
  9. trials hoe


    if you can grow a beard and you still live with your mum, its time to move out!. on another note beards are cool.
  10. dont tend to brake bits very often. but having a bit of ocd means everything about my bikes pisses me off a lot, stupid things likel hose length, lever travel not being the same and the such....
  11. right, so looking to try and sort out a ride in a bit of advance. there's likely to be few from our end comming on train so some locals or someone with knowlege of spots to ride for everyone (i'm a fair bit shitter than who i normaly ride with haha) would be cool. weather permitting, anybody up for this? chris.
  12. http://www.trashzen....als-bikes/1977/ pretty sure i have seen older than this somewhere....
  13. would have been funnier if i'd been rickrolled........
  14. trials hoe

    R/c Cars

    anybody have any ideas as to what i can use to replace the pull start cord on a nitro rc car? mine's snapped and i'm buggered if i'm buying a new one for the sake of a big of flashy string. been thinking about some kind of fishing line like 200lb or something? someone must have done this bogery before. i know this is a 'leccy thread bbut its a pointless starting a new topic for....
  15. if your going to file anything go for whatever will be cheapest to replace, or less dangerous when rigged. id rather ruin a replaceble hub part than a set of forks.....
  16. id say talent is something that will spark an intrest and give you the patience youd need to ride at a high level, being talented would mean you'd find it easy at first. top level riders have been at it all day for years, thats experience imo. make a trials one...
  17. looks very simlar to the impulse forks
  18. yes, i thought it was lame. hence why it found its way here.
  19. hear about the tragic crash involving an ice cream van? hundreds and thousands were lost.
  20. its an old vid and not the one i was thinking of, but the same guy i think
  21. is that the one where the guy hops to back onto a skip?
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