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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. brakes will work the same either side of the fork legs, same fittings and way they mount et all. would have thought reverse mount would be more resistant to cracking at the mounts with moves to front..........
  2. hahaha sounds like a load of air in it then.....new bleed time. tried granville lhm mineral oil? i use that in my discs and its sweet as think its same as royal blood only a fraction of the cost.
  3. we were asking about your experience as a buyer and "its safe" is a bit of a vague answer, i certainly wasn't asking what to do...... if i got ripped off i wouldn't be blaming you. all i can find on google is people complaning they got knock off ipads,
  4. or cut the heads off some bolts and use them as studs, that way if you strip the theads it wont be your frame thats f**ked and the studs would easy to get out with plyers or a wanker spanner.
  5. sam was the guy that had the bearing i was on about...........
  6. as worst case senario paying full taxes, thats based on the included cost of a few other bits too ( bout 200 dollars ) vs a standard build from tarty without postage. it depends on weather or not you pay for import, might not pay anything guess it depends on how the seller sends it, ie as a 'gift' wich makes it exempt from any charges i think. maybe dave33 can shed some light on this while he has had experience........
  7. same as what i did, goes through my email and has their address on the mail. i'd imagine most sellers wont have an 'official webstie' its more like having a shop on ebay
  8. to be fair ive bought from sellers on ebay with their own site listed, but it didn't work and everything was fine. guess it depends on the size of the company, running costs are a bitch if i doesn't generate income. have you tried googleing the email you used to contact the seller? and a contact number would be pointless unless your fluent in chinese haha
  9. out of curiosity which seller? and what did you order?
  10. nice link, to the point no bullshit!. worst case customs wise its like 150 cheaper than a uk purchase, red tape is down to trying to keep cash in the uk economy rather than sending it abroard..... lame haha its still tempting though....
  11. how did you go about working out the tax(s)? will also vary as to how its labled from the seller too, a 'gift' ect. i had a google but lost intrest with all the bullshit jargon.....
  12. haha it sounds like their trying t o hard to give you peace of mind, usualy a sign of a scam, like when something says its 'high quality' its normaly utter shit.
  13. i get what your saying, but it states the seller recives no money untill you say its ok to send it. meaning they post it to you having not had a penny, this is what makes no sence to me. then again the way some countrys deal with money also confuses me, saudi is a good example.
  14. thats the escrow thing, but i dont get how they 'hold' the money untill you give the ok. i wouldn't send anything unless i had the cash for it.
  15. if its paypal you can get your cash back any way, the escrow thing is supposed to be safe but i've never heard of them.
  16. been thinking about ordering somthing cheapish, an acceptable loss. then again a scammer would be wise to this and wait for a substantial order to fist you with hahaha. 400 quid on a whim is a bit steep though then again it could be legit, i bet its stupid cheap direct from deng's factory gift shop.......
  17. the one i was talking to has a few 'items' that has someones order in it, i recognise the username from on here somewhere i think.
  18. the one for 760 is inc. postage, i linked the seller to the one you put up haha i had a look at the spec i was offered and other than a stem rear rim there isn't much to upgrade its a bargin, a suspicious one at that. you could always get the upgrades from the same seller would be a cheaper option, plus they love a good haggle over money in china.
  19. i used the chat thing so contact was instant, asked if they would do a price match on a few bits that were cheaper but from different sellers and they instantly undercut the other prices haha ruthless selling..... down side is if you order you'll have to order all the bits in one go with the posting cost being a tad expensive (but fair) hence i enquired about a full bike, i want one but don't want to get ripped off........
  20. unless you can't afford it...... service is 'free' its all part of the nhs isn't it? surely your ability to recover from an illness should not be reated to your finantial situation.
  21. just been offered a 2012 echo 24 for $760 from aliexpess surely that cant be right?
  22. 20mm bolt though urbans would be ace http://www.truepreci...s/mtb-rear-hub/ a fw version of this too. seen a bearing version (guessing thats the same as what the hubs running) no teeth no noise just instant engagement. edit: a pic of the bearings internals..... witchcraft!
  23. like the halo supadrive......... shocking piece of crap
  24. its effectivly 40ep per 3 pawls, 9 pawls so 3 x 40 = 120 ep
  25. so two sets of 3 and one set of 4 then? haha personaly id rather see more pawls engaging at one time rather than more engagments, my pro 2 trials feels more solid than my echo 108 if that makes sence?
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