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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. this one?.... a 2 sec google and not very epic so maybe its not
  2. HOLY CRAP!!! guess it was worth the wait.......
  3. i asked my bank about anykind of protection with banktransfers (as in can i get my cash back if it goes tits up) and the woman said it was basicly the same as putting cash in their hand, no chance of any comeback. i suppose if its faulty its technicaly fraud if he didn't tell you, police are shit at this kind of thing and taking him to court would cost more than what you'll get back..... unless you sent loads of cash his way
  4. looked like a practice run for a suicide attempt to me........... crazy russians.
  5. can anyone recomend me some software? i have used autodesk inventor years ago at college and nothing else since...... also somewhere to get it would be nice. cheers
  6. this will go on forever........ everyone rides trials, even those on trikes or those with no bikes and everyone who works at mcdonalds.
  7. Negotiating objects on a bike. objects could mean anything, a kurb for instance..... obstacle would have been a better word
  8. a duel on mx bikes, one with a pool cue and one with snooker balls in a sock?
  9. this defines riding a bike in general, a rather vague description imo.
  10. was out of it for a decade.... what i would have called trials then is pretty much street nowadays with a bit more of a bmx infulence, tgs was what i called compy stuff and i have no idea where your comming from with freeride wouldn't have considered it to be anything like trials its way closer to dh.
  11. halo's avalible in a 'lite' version too.... anyone looked at the schwlbe space? cheap as chips at mt lbs at 9 notes
  12. just been having a look its 'aircraft remover' paint stripper looks to be a yank only thing though nowadays. try your local paint shop, the guy in mines like a guru when it comes to paint.
  13. if this had black bars and stem i'd need to clean my keyboard...............
  14. tried dot 3 brake fluid? works a treat on normal paint......wouldn't like to clean it up afterwards though haha, i remember having some spray-on stuff years ago worked ace took like 2mins strip it back, dunno what it was called but it had a pic of a plane on the front of the tin........ not very helpful i know but ill have a google.
  15. Whats the difference between a pimple and a priest? A pimple waits till you're 14 to come on your face. What's 13 inches long, and makes women go absolutely crazy? A miscarriage ......... oooooooooohh (cringe) What is the first symptom of AIDS.... a sharp pounding sensation in your ass. hear about the constipated girl that went to the bbc? jim fixed it for her........
  16. who do I speak to about getting the 15 mins of my life back I wasted watching this?
  17. i've ofen wondered if anyone would do a simlar idea of 20"/19" on a stock or 24, maybe a 25.5" rim for the rear of a stock would be intresting........
  18. you can only pm after you've made a certain ammount of posts.....
  19. i did a skid the other day, there was loads of noise and i needed new pants.......
  20. perfectly well, does its job awsome. spoke tensioners kick ass
  21. bending a frame is always going to be a bad idea, end caps aren't to expensive. whip 'em off and file them down. rather ruin some endcaps than a frame........
  22. on what kind of order? if its something small like a set of clamps its less likely to draw intrest from customs than a full bike......
  23. felt a bit short and low when i had a quick go, but that could be personal pref. bonz stem is the one i'd go for when i get a mod going.......
  24. i have some 710mm funn bars with the same geo as the full on's. you can try them and just get the stem for now while your only round the corner from me, then when you decide the bars geo is wrong get some new ones haha
  25. i was in the exact same boat last year only i'm 27. if you scour around you can build a cheap bike if you look in the right places, but a full build will always be easier and all depends on your budget. cost wise it'll be around the same, give or take a few, buying bits as and when is ideal if your budget it tight and your taking an ad-hoc approach to buying parts.
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