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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. or halo extra safe dh, a tenner but there thick as fook
  2. it must be a conspiarcy so the crab people to rule the earth. on a serious note there seems to be an obsession of stripping people of their power and/or dignity in the media recently. they sould just do two catagories, one for normaly people and one for those who like to cheat.
  3. so unfair...... upwards of a ton for bars is a bit too rich for me. rapidly falling out with my rockbars at the mo.
  4. rocket ron it is then..... ran one on my stock and thought it lacked a bit of grip but i'm a schwalbe fan. thought the same about the kenda too, and i'm gona be a weight fag over my new build. on another note you looking to part with those carbon rockman bars yet
  5. slightly off topic but what would anyone recomend for the front? choices are a bit limmited.....
  6. did they make these with the intention of not using any of maguras patents? those springs look like a rude bodge
  7. when i was your age i had my own place, and had no cash to spend on myself haha. make the most of it while you can dude, living on your own is better though dancing naked in front of your pets is the thing to do! on the bike note, its worth remembering that you already have most bits - bars, hubs ect. so a new build doesn't have to be super expensive
  8. just keep your bike in your room dude, i live in a 1 bed flat and have a bike in my kitchen and one that half blocks my veiw of my tv . and i'd be paranoid leaving a bike in a shed. you spending all your first wage when you get it? if you are just spunk it all on a full build 24 haha i would if i could......... f**king bills
  9. i did nearly the same thing, only i was going down a hill and my front maggie caught me napping. epic sack of shit over the bars, followed by being laughed at by 2 people on the other side of the road. bad times hahaha
  10. i had practicaly the same message over on pb a few weeks back........ paypals a bitch with chargebacks, think thats what there called a few people have been burned with it. i also found shipping costs for 26 quid too cant remember where though, parcelfore will do it but i think that was 80 odd qiud.
  11. no soft jaws? or just use some pine or a soft wood or something to stop it marking the freehub body
  12. clamp the freehub into the vice and use a chain whip?
  13. go super stealth and matt black everything, you can get matt laquer too give the paint a fighting chance against watever it bashes into
  14. white frame, satin black everything else. and some sparkley tassels on your bar ends.
  15. i ran a mono mini on an 04 maggie lever and it wasn't mind blowing power but wasn't wank either. lever was rock solid though. i'm planning on running a tr (disc) lever on a mono mini soon, surely the same applies as the piston at the lever end is the same as a maggie (bore and stroke wise)? and wasn't the tr disc caliper based on the mono mini? or the trial? and they're both open systems and the tr's closed isnt it?
  16. tandem backflip! where's hawes? somene needs to drag him back out from the rock he seems to have crawled under.
  17. ashton never fails to impress, goes to show the bike/setup you ride isn't all that important. sure the martins did this in an old mbuk issue.....
  18. so professional he completely missed the witness in the car, granted a young severley traumatised child will be of no use to get a prosecution with but still. i had a debate with a guy i used to work with (he spent 8 years in the special forces doing some pretty unplesant shit) and he said if was 'professional hit' it was very sloppy indeed, and wasn't it in france there was those dicks going round on a scooter shooting people randomly? could be a spin off of those morons. as for coverage, news channels have ratings too.....depends what news you watch plus they all scare monger, jump to conclusions and are gerneraly full of shit imo.
  19. you have have put a huge nostalgic grin on my face i owe you a beer dude
  20. 77% bit suspicious to me, i'd say some shill bidding going on there.......
  21. chain to chain gap was so wrong, makes me wish i had a vhs player so i can watch evolve.
  22. measured your wb or looked for stress marks? the tapemeasure never lies.....
  23. did you mean the smooth crimminal cover? sulic and hauser i think
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