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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. looking nice, how do the sl forks feel? looking at another echo 24 is making me jelous as hell, will have mine together by the end of next week.............hopefully
  2. i'm not a fan of tensioners, think they look too big and clumsy. if you got it use it
  3. if i had millions of pounds it would............
  4. companies get things wrong, my bank being a good example. human error is inevitable
  5. you dont seem to be a fan of tarty, and no-ones always right dude
  6. a spoke tensioner will work................. but washers are washers and tarty are normaly right.
  7. dude thats fugly.....like the rim i modded. did you use an angle grinder too? extra points for bravery if you did
  8. you have a like from me too. have you draughted up a proposal and done local research like asking 'local residents how it would improve the community' and all that red tape crap and telling them it will reduce anti social behaveour (cant spell that word)?
  9. i'd say it would be a case of keeping manufacturing costs down, it's buisness after-all. there's no point making it yourself if you could buy it and sticker it up cheaper.......
  10. its say's sold as spares or repairs, indicating that it is not fit for purpose, he came and looked at it and still payed. i'd say its his mistake and not yours, you should have put sold as seen on it for the 'no comebacks' thing. is it the same guy that left you the rude feedback? he seems like a bit of a spitefull dick to me...
  11. brand snobs......haha a lot of parts will be made in the same place, then they put their own brand stickers on whatever part it is. that procraft one looks more like a system ex stem
  12. never got a disc setup to work on my stock, avid code was ok but maggies and a grind for the win.
  13. im not adverse to stickers and such, but the echo ones look gash as f**k. deng could do better in that department for sure.
  14. yea mate, took me ages go and get it from the abyss that is the sorting office haha think i may raw it..... along with everything else haha
  15. oooh you loyal bugger never had any probs with crc myself. hows the stem?
  16. did you try turning it round? sounds stupid but i did that with mine on my pro 2 ...... i was ashamed of myself when i realised what was going on
  17. so you started a topic to slag off someone elses bike they're selling? you seem like a right miserable twat, i've yet to read a post where you've had anything nice to say......
  18. did you get it as a full build and get some extra goodies at the same time?
  19. haha i toyed with it and decided against it, how are the bonz forks? nice to see something other than urbans or sl's up front
  20. very nice indeed sir....looking forward to getting mine together soon
  21. i usally whip the wheel off, clamp the axle in the vice give it a spin and grind away. essentially the same as in the vid, gave a more consistant finnish and looks a bit nicer than the back and forth method. i'd say it only gives an astetic benifit raather than a functional one, its the same rim and grider at the end of the day.
  22. clearly he was riding balls out........ seen the near exact same pic at work from some poor f**ker fell out of a cherrypicker wearing a loose harness, cringe worthy health and safety.
  23. if moneys no problem go for saints, everyone seems to be raving about them, then donate the tr caliper to me .......or go for a maggie/tr rim setup if you want 'more' bite. that said i've read a few people say that the tr rotor is wank, i'd start there.
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