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trials hoe

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Everything posted by trials hoe

  1. there's one here somewhere too........
  2. have clarks organic pads in my xt 4-pot, work great in the dry not so good with a wet rotor though. defo worth a go for a fiver, i'm certainly not disappointed
  3. you would, refusal to remove it without good reason for not doing so would give a copper grounds to arrest you under the public order act (using their own discretion to do so). i'm not sure comparing a burka to any of those is a good argument, the circumstances for wearing one is completely different. other countries are also relevant as that's where the burka has its origins, my issue is with the inequality religious belief brings not with a garment of clothing (yet this is exacerbated by the burka) and i said nothing of race.
  4. put a ski mask on and walk around town when it's busy and see what happens, you will be told to remove it or be arrested. being that this wouldn't happen if you had a burka on. that says to me government/law treats people different down to their religious belief, this is inequality not accommodation. you have to ask yourself would you be treated with the same leniency in country's faithful to the qu'ran? i suspect the last thing you would hear would be allahu akbar!
  5. no, unless they continue to use religion as an excuse to flout the law. it's inappropriate for me to walk around with a ski mask on, unless i start a religion that specifys i do so. this country is too soft when it comes to religion, its embarrasing. i hope you laughed really loud, i would have.
  6. tensioner bolt tight/adjusted correctly?
  7. how did an ebay link take me here? http://www.wut.com/en/home/schunk01.c.59256.en
  8. the mk2 geo is the same as the 2013 version? i thought deng just put a different finish on it rather than change the geo. edit - mk 2 is the same just a diff colour and18g lighter http://www.echobike.com/ http://www.tartybike.../c70p11475.html
  9. mk2 came in the dark ano finnish (like the 2013 ones i think) other than that the geo is the same, don't know about the rear spacing options on the mk2 though. that was what my googling found anyway
  10. hacksaw blade, safer than a stanley blade. cuts it ugly though, dremel with a sanding bit in it will get it looking better if you can be arsed.
  11. trials hoe


    no haha, hamilton may not be the most mature of drivers but he isn't as bad as vettel. did you miss vettel nearly drive into the back of someone behind the safety car, then blame them for his mistake? vettel's mentality of thinking he deserves everything is annoying.
  12. trials hoe


    didn't hamilton win one of his titles in a similar way (after the fia made a post race/end of the championship decision giving someone a penalty)? personally i'd just like to see vettel throw a massive paddy and blame everyone else like he normally does when things don't go his way. i'd also like to see him not win either, for some reason i can't stand him.
  13. had thought about this, its an odd bit to have unless there's a reason for it from a stress/strain point of view. deng could have saved a few grams right there hahaha.
  14. its literally a ride old (a ride in the damp with no grip ) filing the frame down seems a bit extreme to fix this one, i'd rather cut the tyre down a bit. i might try letting the air out of the tyre and have a go at getting it seated more concentric on the rim before i start butchering stuff
  15. yeah i'm running the chain as tight as i dare (want to avoid causing any unnecessary wear on the chain and fw bearings) the frame has the echo integrated bolts rather than snail cams gives finer adjustment which is cool. and you're not wrong about the sound, it sounds like a pending disaster for such a relatively insignificant thing haha.
  16. like 7 spokes worth of the circumference if that makes sense haha and the tyre is like brand new, it would clear if i chopped the knobs down a few mm but i'd rather not. was what iwas was think would be the best approach, put up with the noise for a short while and give it some right leg beef, then watch for the chain tension getting a tad slacker adjust accordingly 'till the noise goes away. cheers guys
  17. right, so i just put my new chain on and the tyre rubs on the end of the top tube (the tube ends at an angle, quite why this is i don't know but its how they're made) i didn't have this issue with the last chain i had on, i'm guessing this was because of the chain stretch over time/use. it also isn't helped by the tyre has the usual high and low points of a 'hand made tyre' so it only rubs on a small section of it. guess what i'm getting at is, will the chain stretch and sort the rubbage? also has anyone else had the same issue? and sorted it without cutting the tyre/filing the frame as i'd rather not do that? i hate the sound of things that shouldn't be making noise, makes my bike sound like rigged up piece of shit cheers in advance guys. i'll stick a pic up if the above makes no sense.
  18. 150 x 35* vs 30* equates to a 15mm higher bar height (at the stem's bar clamp) going by my maths, that's more than likely wrong depends on how you like your bar angle as far as reach and height goes, the tt's don't have much more rise than the elites but the sweep difference will change the bar angle. tried some sport risers in a 165mm stem? only reason i was considering a 150 stem and tt highrise was down to wanting a sloping stem and no-one makes a 165 version.
  19. running a 165x35 on mine and it feels great (with rockman bars 13*up 9*back) rolled quite far forward by my standards, have you tried rolling your bars further forward? made the world of difference with mine feel wise, guessing it would look a bit wacky with the back sweep of the elites. mine feel too narrow at 730mm was thinking about the tryall's as an upgrade. have thought about the tt high rise with a 150 stem myself. think the reach would be about the same with a slightly lower bar height, nothing a few spacers couldn't sort.
  20. why do so many threads seem to descend into a bitchy squabble? on topic - i've always used the rule of thumb of the top of the steerer should at least clear the center of the top bolt in your stem.
  21. squat lift, but has anyone put all this together yet?
  22. hahahahah its always nice to find something thats going to turn you into a dribbling moron http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/
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