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Everything posted by jigga

  1. Thanks for the advice. I’m keen to have a go at this. There are of course some drawbacks like the Crewkerz forks having an extra 5mm of rake compaired to the Inspired. As Sam Song suggests the Crewkerz forks offer incredible strength in tension whilst the blades are forward facing but for spins and side forces maybe less ideal . I remember the early days of the Tryall carbon forks first coming onto the market and how amazing comp bikes felt with a 500g weight saving from them so curious how the Hex will be with carbons .
  2. Can anyone help me with the headset hack to fit Crewkerz Carbon forks to the 2024 hex ? Ali did it last year with a lower clamp height stem which I didn’t like . Ive just seen this Guy in the RPM in Guildford videos with a nicer set-up and the stock trialtech stem. Anyone know what headset he’s running or advice to make up for the 40 mm difference in headtube length btwn Inspired and Crewkerz forks ?
  3. Anyone know or can measure the reach from centre of the crank bolt to centre of the top of the headtube right where it joins the upper headset piece ? Thanks
  4. jigga

    Jaf bikes Josh

    How long do these wrapped frames last in general ? Mine is a carbon frame, Josh has given me some good advice. Wish those repair shops where they do undetectable carbon repairs weren't so expensive
  5. Anyone know how to contact Josh Leech ? I've tried messenger 5 days ago but no reply. I want to ask him about repair work I need doing. I Don't know what his forum name on here is.
  6. jigga


    Any answer beyond 'none will be a suprise to be honest but I'm hopeful. Ross's response above is how I'd imagine it . So where have people taken a wash in years gone by and is there a steady stream of pizza hut mopeds buzzing between Chelmsford and the site to fuel the weekend ? With a farm that size there'd be an old bath in a field somewhere we could queue up for ?
  7. jigga


    Last minute desicion to go to Radfest this weekend. What kind of facilities are there for showering , food etc?
  8. Have a look at the Phatworks frames under development. There is a thread on here somewhere about them. Some great all round geo options, very nice brake options, modern tapered headtubes with different b/b height options. Being developed by a well know UK rider/desginer whos been in the scene for decades. Phatworks on Facebook is the way to go.
  9. Bloodstock currently in my stable.... 1st time I've taken both bikes out at the same time. The kloud now has Crewkerz carbon forks, Crewkerz 145mm stem and Clean bars since the photo.
  10. Definitely been practicing!! A bit difference in your gaps and side hops from last year
  11. Dude seriously needs a helmet.
  12. Warrantied or not, the price of a new bar is less significant than the pain of broken wrist/collar bone etc and the price of time off work to heal just for a 10% saving in carbon. The weave / manufacturing etc maybe be believed to have advanced to justify the weight /material loss, but totally not worth injuring customers. The try all bar has a long history of lasting surely they can learn from that construction.
  13. Thanks for replies. how about the hashtagg carbon handlebar? Released about the same time and 10% lighter than the previous try-all Karbon bar but with more aggressive bends and height which to me must equal a longer length of tube for less weight!!!!!
  14. Would like to know how well these are holding up for people? As many others have probably thought, they seem scary light but obviously Hashtagg are confident to justify asking the pricetag. Are they taking a battering or designed as comp rider one season accesories?
  15. Fair enough. The buying power of the pound when re-stocking sure has fallen. Keep up the good work and great service and look forward to the new site soon.
  16. they sure did. Pretty sure its been going for as long as Ive been riding, the last five years. Come on San'tart, dust off your suit. I'll sit on your knee if you give me some discount
  17. Bugger! Nothing on facebook either....I've been squirreling cash away in anticipation of some seasonal bargains. 1st time in a number of years they haven't done this .
  18. Doesn't the carbon actually hold the aluminium drop out in? Although that drop out piece will be bonded into a section of the fork leg, not just the tip, I'm not sure if cutting into it and the carbon skin surrounding it would be detrimental to the strength. I've never seen a crewkerz carbon fork, only online, so others might know better than me Just trying to opinions on this as I really wanna buy this fork
  19. Thanks Adam. Don't really want to buy a new front Hub and rebuild the wheel , though the crewkerz fork is indeed a thing of beauty. What are hub options for this fork? Only crewkerz, hope , king or can others be modified? I've seen crewkerz aluminium forks for sale on here modified for normal hubs, though don't know in detail what was done as the drop out hole is already oversize. I doubt anyone would want to cut into the drop-out of a sexy new carbon blade but just looking at options.
  20. Im a big fan of Trialtech components for their build quality and ingenuity. Anyone know if they have any plans to or prototyping of a carbon fork? Im pretty sure I'd be buying if they have one.
  21. jigga

    We found a new spot

    Good work, screw the haters, you are more advanced riders than me, ive sturggled with gap's to front for a longtime and stilll havent got the technique right.
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