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Everything posted by JJ_ONeill
Just need a bit of help really guys - went into my local bike store yesterday and got an Onza Comp wheelset, and changed to a front hydraulic rim brake instead of cable disc. Since the new wheels are so smooth the brakes don't work AT ALL in the wet, so I'm thinking I'll get them ground (my rear magura needs a change of pads anyways), but both slip quite badly in the dry as well which is fairly unusual :/ Maybe I'm being thick and just need a change of pads and a wheel grind but could it have anything to do with the setup? Thanks!
It is a difficuly one indeed... I generally run my tyres with the front around 20 psi and the rear at around 15 :/ I prefer the squashy feel as for me it makes landing more comfortable and controlable. I'd just advise you to have a play around and see what floats your boat really
Dude, that's a really sweet looking bike! I guess it'd be a really good idea to use old bike bits - I mean I wouldn't have to machine all the complex components like dropouts and whatever else
Fair do's. I spose it'll have to be an idea for the future really but thanks for the advice it helps a lot
Thanks a bunch. But a couple of years... Christ
Wow... So would be cheaper for me to educate myself about the whole process and build one myself no? How much you reckon I'd need for the metal :/ Not to mention aftermarket parts, but they'd come after...
Not really thats a huge amount of money! - I'm only 16 and have no source of income. Once I had frame done it'd be a very long, slow process lol
Thats pretty amazing to watch lol... So what would I do? Just send him the picture, and frame geo or something? Work out a price?
Thanks! And who is Alex Dark? :$ Is he on Trials Forum? lol
Would steel not be too heavy? I was rather hoping for Alloy or Aluminium - possibly a 7005 Alloy or something like that.
Hey guys, I've recently been faffing about on a small computer program called BikeCAD. Allows you to design bike frames and parts, and I had a bit of a brain fart (idea)! I'd really love to start a small bike company, but I'm only 16 with no real experience in building frames or forks - only building bikes up and setting them up. If anyone has any advice about frame suppliers, how to build my own frame and forks or knows someone who I could hire/pay to build me a custom one that would be much appreciated. Here are some of my designs: (Also any feedback on the designs themselves would be appreciated! e.g. if at the right price would you buy? etc.) And I also have frame geo's for all designs
So I should save some money and build one instead? I saw one on Because Bikes' website that was all silver - had V-Brakes and stuff so pretty 'low spec' bike... But I quite like the idea of a Zona Zip. Any advice?
Hey guys, looking at upgrading from my Onza, and I really like the look of some of the Because Bikes - however, they're website is a bit rubbish and I can't seem to get into contact with them, and I can't find anywhere that sells the full bikes. I need to know prices and stuff like that too, so any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks a bunch I've been riding my Mod for quite some time now, so I'm comfortable with traditional trials. I think the main thing is the geo change - I have a trials dealer near me and have tried the onza zoot and it seems radically different to my 20"! But after a while its pretty comfortable so I reckon I could do it. Just a question of finding the right bike. I'd love an element, as after some research I've found it is actually much higher spec than a Zoot (just has cable brakes instead of hydraulic After a while i'd probably change to hydraulic brakes, but is it worth me just going for a second hand Fourplay instead? But I've heard the Avid brakes on the Pro can be a little shabby and I'd be better off with Hope's (which evidently cost a bomb!). That or just put an HS33 on the rear?
Hello Just An Innocent Dad Whose Sons Bike Mad
JJ_ONeill replied to winchman's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
Looks sweet man, I used to ride park BMX myself for a while, but I prefer bike trials because of the nature. It requires more balance and care - park BMX only really needs momentum for the ramps... Anyways, if he is such a keen rider of BMX then 24" would probably be best. You can do traditional trials stuff on them, although they do tend to lumber a little unlike the smaller mod bikes. But like I said, the geo is much closer to a BMX than other trials bikes, so he may get on better with one. There are a few Onza Zoots in the for sale section, and some of these can go for as little as £250 - £300 (new they're only about £500 or so) -
Hey, I also have this question! (I wasn't sure where to post as I'm not really a beginner so to speak) Looking at moving to 24" as it seems to be more flowing than traditional trials, but I'm only 16 so haven't really got much money. I'm working saturdays and saving up for a bike! For me it is between the element and the zoot, but I'm really not sure. Would maybe have to go used to save myself some money, but I haven't seen any second hand elements - only Inspired Fourplay's, so I'm guessing this is the one to have? But it's so much more expensive and I know I can't afford it! Secondly, is the Element worth it's ridiculous price tag? I've looked on tartybikes and the Element has pretty much the same spec as an Onza Zoot, however the Onza is a little lighter, higher BB rise, and not to mention being almost half the price; BUT an ever so slightly longer wheelbase (would prefer shorter!) and has a front V-Brake rather than disc. Are there any noticable differences in parts or the way they ride? If anyone could review them it would help a lot! Any help is much appreciated!! P.S. Why are Inspired's soooo expensive?! LOL
Hello Just An Innocent Dad Whose Sons Bike Mad
JJ_ONeill replied to winchman's topic in Beginners Trials Chat
Hey, just thought i'd say something before you buy! You say he's a keen BMXer, so I assume you mean park or street BMX? If so, I believe a 24" bike would be best for him to learn on. When out with friends I am forever asked by BMXers for a go of my mod bike, and more often than not they hate it. The geometry is radically different, and so most park BMXers don't want to branch into trials. 24" bikes have a geo much closer to a BMX than a mod or stock bike, so this is my reasoning. However, as someone already said, he will feel comfortable on 20" wheels, so a mod bike would be good for that reason. Also a 20" is so much more flickey - I prefer mine to all my other bikes(I mean for god's sake I travel about 8 miles to my girlfriends house, just because everything can be seen as an obstacle and it's far more fun than a commuter bike!). Its really a question of either a radically different geometry and the same wheel size, or a similar geometry but a much bigger wheel size. Just weighing up both sides to try and help! Good Luck! -
Hey there mate. I have a 2009 Onza Bird, and that was a nice bike to learn on, and the 2010/11 bikes are certainly a big improvement. There is a much higher BB rise, higher standover and they're also a little bit lighter. You do want a 19" rear wheel as 20" is pretty useless when you start getting better. However, one thing I have noticed is that the newer frames are a total nightmare for frame flex. Its not that they're cheaply made or anything, but when you change to a rear hydraulic rim brake, the frames tend to bend quite a bit. Not sure if it's a huge problem immediately, but if you keep it over a long period of time, it may cause some profound problems. My 2009 frame is a bit more robust, and although it doesnt feel as nice as a newer frame, its very rigid and doesnt flex at allwith the magura on (and its a V mount frame so does have evo mounts on it). I guess just try different bikes and get a feel for what you like really. I'm trying to help but in my opinion other people can only really help by sharing thier own experiences. It's up to you what you want to do, so try and get out on ride outs and stuff and ask to try other peoples bikes as I did! I just tagged along on my shabby old mountain bike and people were very welcoming and they help a lot with making my decision! Anyways good luck whatever you decide matey!
Hey mate, what do you do trials wise at the moment? Have you owned a trials bike before, or do you do BMX and stuff etc. ? The Zoot is a street trials bike and its like a trials/BMX hybrid kinda bike. It's more for people who BMX but want to get into trials biking. I've been on one, and while it feels like a true trials bike when your behind the bars it doesnt seem to act like one when you start doing tricks and stuff (if that makes sense?). From my experience it seemed to lumber more like a BMX, and light as it is, it'll never be as flickey as a 20" mod. My advice is, if your only just starting to learn trials, go for a 20" bike! I bought an Onza Bird 2009 at £115, and have learnt on that. I loved it so much I still have it (even if it has changed slightly - gaining a rear maggie, hope disc on front and new bar, stem & forks!!). Thats said, if you do BMX, jump straight on a Zoot and you'll be away lol! Hope I helped a bit
I have to say they're not that bad lol. I wanted an Onza Pro 2010, really badly, but I saw an Onza Bird '09 on Gumtree. Bought it for £100, then after a bit took it for a service and bought myself an Onza Master riser stem and Tensile riser bars - once some of the weight goes off the front end its such a well balanced bike I'm still learning on mine at the minute but it's really not a bad first bike. I weigh 10 stone 4 and the V-Brake holds fine, but I upgraded the pads to the new Onza Ice pads - More stopping power and more squeek! lol Only problem I can find with mine is that when you get to higher obstacles, then your down on ground clearance compared to a lot of other bikes. And like I said, there is quite a bit of weight at the front end initially - I found mine to be somewhat unbalanced, wherein the front felt like it weighed more than the back, but thats because it has the old style bar and stem; made from Chromoly, not alloy like the newer stuff. Also if you've felt the difference between the new and old forks, theres an absolute ton of difference! Hope this helps you mate!
Okay, sounds good! So definately a 24" lol. I've seen some Onza Zoot's go cheap second hand, so thats not a problem obtaining my first bike. I guess my route to and from college would have to be worked out later as I reckon I'd find better places to ride on the way, if I went exploring at the weekends and stuff. Then I could string small places together, and get a really good route going. I do see what you mean about a large ride attracting more attention. Problem is it'd have to be organised officially. It is very frustrating though, the way people view urban sports as vandalism, and hooliganism, etc etc... In my opinion I just don't see why that is. People that ride trials, flatland or park BMX, parkour runners, skateboarders and all the rest of it have to be just as fit and disciplined as those who have recently ran in the Athletics championships, or for that matter, those who are training to take part in the 2012 olympics; in some cases, even more so.
See, I was looking at a 24" bike to get around this problem. I watch a lot of trials bike videos, and after the likes of people like Danny MacAskill, I thought a 24" would be better. They call them "Street Trials" Bikes, and I've tried the Onza Zoot - It's quite good I just like the idea of street trials because it looks more flowing, and seems to have an overall faster pace. Better suited for my environment - as you mentioned, it'd be better to spend small amounts of time in many places, as apposed to large amounts of time in a few places. The places you mentioned around town sound good, as I could find a decent route to and from college to try and get better Sudden thought too - It'd be awesome to organise a group ride on a massive scale! Bring in eveyone; Trials riders, Skateboarders, Free Runners, maybe even BMXers. Had the idea because after riding in the town square, it seems urban sports are 'frowned upon'. It would seem people believe we're all hooligans... Would be good to organise a massive ride through the city centre to try and show people that it's a sport and an art form.
You really think people would come from neighboring cities? I'm in St. Anns, so quite near to the city centre, and unfortunately theres not really any decent places to ride around here. Town centre is very good, but the sport is frowned upon by the public and the plod lol! I know of a guy at Rock 'n' Roll Bikes round the corner from me, (Rock 'n' Roll Bikes are Onza, so he was telling me how he tests a lot of the prototype stuff!) he says he'll let me know if he knows of anything I'll keep you posted
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone is going on a ride out in Nottingham any time soon? I live in the city, and am looking at buying myself a trials bike, as I've wanted to do it for so long, but due to a constant lack of cash, never been able to get myself a bike! I spoke to one of the guys at Rock 'n' Roll bikes who said they 'were' Onza. He told me to join this forum and see if I can tag along on ride outs, to get to know people, so I can familiarise myself with the techniques, and also make friends who ride, so I don't have to go out alone when I get a bike! So, is anyone okay with me tagging along around Nottingham?! Thanks!