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Everything posted by skunky_bifta

  1. Yes mate, got my email yday morning and im in group 3, looking forward to it. See u there i guess
  2. I got one too, cant wait n ill c u there!
  3. Just north of Petersfield myself, go riding quite a bit down pompey, will give u a pm next time we're down ur way.
  4. I recently just fitted some Heatsinks and they were noisy from the off, front more so, must admit the back took a little while longer to 'bed in'. Maybe there's some crap on ur rims, maybe try some disk cleaner (on rim), or some sort of alcohol based cleaning solvent, being careful not to get too much on the tyre. Could check the surface of the brake pad see if its dirty, if so clean. Other than that, there aint much u can do, maybe try them on another bike see if its jus ur bike.
  5. Im 27 and jus into it... again. Ur as old as u feel.
  6. Some 'loctite' on the bolt might do it. Has worked 4 me before.
  7. Done, well worthy cause, even if you live in scotland or not even in this country, it could soon become a popular thing to build a trials/skate parks rather than just skate parks at the mo.
  8. Might be up for this... where's spar?
  9. Gotta say as an ICE owner myself, ur bike looks feckin sweet, might have to look into rubbing down my frame in the near future. Nice profile rear hub as well, nice everything in fact. "Love the position of that trial tech splitter sweet!" +1
  10. Personally i think uve done well, im guessing ur quite new to the sport? And as long as its good condition. They seem to retail into the 300's new, cant be much than a year old...Fair play. Happy riding
  11. What sort of spec are we talking... Magura hs33 back Hope mono trial front Monty forks etc etc, Is it jus a frame, if so id say uve paid too much, need more info really... Edit: If its still the original build, hardly been used good condition then id say uve done well. As for weather its good or not, ive never ridden one so cannot comment, but someone on here must have experiance.
  12. Little town called Lindford nr Bordon, urself?

  13. Little town called Lindford nr Bordon, urself?

  14. Little town called Lindford nr Bordon, urself?

  15. Hi peeps, was a really good ride on sat, think im just about recovered now, definately up 4 another meet, maybe southampton or summin next time.
  16. I believe round tower is litterally jus up the road, but no worries we'll pop down to spice island and get you or jus ride there.
  17. Try taking the crank arms off and putting grease on the bottom bracket that you can see, see if that works. You would probably need a bottom bracked tool to take the bb out, you can get them off tarty (under tools i think) depending on which bb you have got. Maybe spray a lil WD40 GT85 kinda stuff in there if not, if all else fails, use the bit of electrical tape round the bottom bracket and put the crank arms back on over that trick.
  18. I can also vouch for heatsink yellows, bought my first set the other day fitted them and oh my days there good! Back brake jus holds on everthing! Defo recomendo!
  19. Yup count me in... weather permitting obviously, round tower, near spice island im guessing? Ill hopefully bring another 3 - 4 riders with me. Should be a good ride, lots of spots!
  20. Is this Hook Woods, the Hook by Basingstoke, Fleet etc, if you could provide a post code or web site link to the event, im only down the road, ill come along with some mates.
  21. Hellooo, im from a little town called Lindford, Gilbert might know it, well should know it lol 5mins down the road, if ur doing a meet ill be up for it, could probably bring another 3-4 riders from Bordon.
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