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Everything posted by yoyoyo

  1. wen i started goin bigger i just got 2 the edge so that the only way 2 get off without been hurt was 2 hop off the edge. worked a treat 4 me.
  2. i wud keep it on if i was u. theres been so many times wen i have hit mine by accident.
  3. Is the ride still on on saturday if so me and my brother might make an apperence, not definate though, but hopefully we can make it if its on
  4. nice idea but does sound bit confusin to fit
  5. real unlucky m8, my friend had his bike stolen, thnfully i havent had the misfortune yet, :turned:
  6. sarecen mad, cheap and mine hasnt broken on me yet, but if uve got the money go for a pitbull
  7. Is there any news yet whether it'll happen :) , (Y)
  8. When and were do you ride by the way,just wondering
  9. I live in bridgwater and try to go up to taunton to ride so where would i find the petition, my brother left a post up above, and i know a lot of riders who might help, By the way do you lot have a website then? Joe
  10. To start off with just practise it on a flat piece off tarmac. after a while your finger gets stronger, but it takes a while, stick with it. When my brither started me off doing it i found it hard, but now i find it so much easier to pull up.
  11. my bro has got a t-rex and it is nice on the back wheel, but then ive got a longish frame too so its not a big difference, anyway his cranks rub, so if yours don't then i wouldn't change them,
  12. My brother has just got the new echo rim, it's light and looks the part, dont know how strong it is though
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