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Everything posted by yoyoyo
Been a long time since I've been on here and couldn't find the random small questions thread so figured its not in use anymore. Basically I figured its time to start riding again so I need to fix my wheel. But I can't remember which rim it is to order the new spokes and I can't afford to just get a new rim. Its a 24" Trialtech rim that came out in 2008. I ordered it as part of a full build from Tarty so its not on the order history on the site, anyone have any ideas? I wanna say it was something like a Trialtech sport rim or something. Cheers anyway.
I know you're not saying that's what you believe, but the documentary on BBC1 said the F16's flew to the Atlantic because the training had always been for a plane hijacked outside of us airspace or something, so all training had been based on a jet coming in from the Atlantic. Plus at that point air traffic control weren't entirely sure what was going on and which planes had been hijacked, so i guess they just followed standard procedure. The plane in DC was just a C-130, so just cargo. Though granted you could always say it had been kitted out to fly a drone/ missile/ whatever the alternative theory is for the pentagon crash. They interviewed the pilot on it too, which i guess would have been a bit risky for the gov had he been involved in a conspiracy.
I tend to have my left side only in on country lanes, so i can still hear any overtaking traffic and most cars round corners. If i'm starting to struggle i put both in as i'll probably be going slower anyway to need the boost from music. All it takes is more looks than usual to check you're not holding anyone up and to take corners slower. In a town/city i always have both in, there's usually plenty of space on the road for both of us so they can overtake. And its no different to the majority of drivers you see with their music blasting, just they have mirrors, all it takes is a quick look round. If i'm on my 24, i'm basically going walking speed anyway so there's not much of a problem.
Exactly, i still think the next few weeks could be pretty important though. Hopefully some members will be too rash and bent on revenge, disregarding the precautions they take not to get caught and be picked up by SIS and the Americans before they can do anything. Worryingly the Olympics is in an almost perfect position in timing and size for them to make a statement.
Used to use the trialskings chat/message board whatever it was. That pretty much ended and a few months later i was on here. So i'm guessing i saw something on there originally. Crazy to think it was 8 years ago, if i kept riding the whole time i would be pretty good by now.
I can see it as a good thing long term (short term i can see it being a bit intense for a while), to his followers he was a leader who masterminded the most famous terrorist attack on American soil, then evaded capture by 'the worlds most powerful nation' for near ten years. He would have been an inspiration. Now he's just a martyr who lasted 5 minutes in a firefight and was dropped at the bottom of the ocean. They asked Saudi Arabia to take his body first but they refused, and i read on the news somewhere that burial at sea has ties with some Islamic tradition. Worst thing to do after pissing off a terrorist cell by killing their leader is disregarding Islamic practice and piss them off even more. I've seen a few facebook status' about how its probably a conspiracy, but a) they're not going to just put a photo of a dead man on the news and if he died ages ago Al- Qaeda will surely come forward and say as it would be a massive embarrassment which i'm sure America wouldn't have missed out on when formulating any conspiracy.
To be fair, Gaddafi is a dictator, the queen is (by law) not allowed to enter the house of commons, and all laws must be approved by the lords and finally her before it can be made law, so there's no problems there unlike Libya where what he says goes. Of course the government gives the royals the money to live so you could argue that point on government pressure, but we still have the Lords to stop that. Not sure how you meant the community bit so i may have misinterpreted it, but i think a large proportion of the nation, and others, all joined to celebrate yesterday, with scales you only really see at the World cup etc. Answering the poll, no i went out the night before and slept through it. I was fully in favour of it though, the street party i went to was great fun and you can party with people you never really see and everyone was really happy. Plus it was supposed to cost ~£20 million in tax payers money, but was estimated to bring in over £600m a lot of which was from foreigners travelling over. Win win really
Of the £100,000 for Gerrard that was mentioned earlier, 50% (£50,000) goes to the government in tax. Thats 2 soldiers salary every week. 104 over the year. There's probably about 30 players on that wage, probably more. Thats 3,104 soldiers a year from the premier league. Everyone knows a lot of drink is bought when football games are on, thats 20%(VAT) plus whatever duty there is on alcohol now, per drink bought. Lets just say 27% overal goes to the government per pint. £3 a pint = 81p per pint. I'm guessing well over a million are drunk over the weekend tv games. Thats £810,000 for one weekend. Just to put in perspective, when England didn't qualify for Euro 2008, they estimated the economy would lose out on £2 billion. So really i have no problem with what they earn. Yes soldiers should get more, but it'd come out of taxes(which everyone already complains are too high), and to be fair they chose to get shot at for that money. They know what they're getting into.
Everyone's entitled to their own belief, and i can't force anyone to change their view, but there's a few things i feel i need to add to. There's too much to quote this isn't ordered in a point by point,just the bits i remember. The 1%/80% thing, read this. We controlled 3/4 of the world at one point, and it certainly wasn't for their countries gain. These countries have so much interest to pay that they're basically screwed. Think of all the money our gov spends on the country. Roads/rail network/ town development, all helps business' to perform better. Limited roads, limited rail network, limited development means its more expensive for business to expand their customer/ distribution base. Not so much NWO as human greed having an effect decades later. Again for the cigarettes its more than likely greed. No evidence for this so its purely speculation, therefore your point is as good as mine. But in the 20's i highly doubt there were as many additives in cigarettes as there are now. Now cigarettes are produced as cheaply as possible to make the most profit. Back then they were seen as more of a luxury item to be enjoyed, not an addiction. Roswell. Is it really easier to believe the US government keeps people away so much because they have aliens there rather than top secret aircraft. What's the point in developing new superior planes when people can watch them and make them themselves. Think how paranoid people were in the cold war... (Again no evidence as i can't be bothered to search, therefore you can assume its incorrect, without a source its only speculation, but) I'm pretty sure the stealth fighter only became public because some guy was photographing the stars in the desert and one when over and he snapped it. Why would the US want anyone to know it has a plane that can't be detected on radar. This all narrows down to conspiracy theory's, which again is just human nature. How many times do you watch a film where a murder suspect is named in the first 20 odd minutes. Quite a few. Do we prefer films where it turns out it was him, or when it was some other person who we didn't even think of? Why, when we've seen so many of these films settle for 9/11 being terrorists, when we can break it down to every single bit possible to try and find a reason for it to be the government. I've watched lots of them and to be fair a lot of the time i've thought wow, maybe it is true, but there's just too many open ends for it to work. I may well be wrong and if i'm proved to be i'll put my hands up and accept it. You have your view i have mine,i'm not trying to change your mind, just adding my input.
The way i see it, why aren't there ghosts everywhere. In the streets, pubs etc instead of just houses. Of all the people who have died in the world why have only a few (percentage wise) hung around. Why is it just humans, never animals. Once the thought of a ghost is in your head, it hangs round and only gets worse, when its dark you're thinking, what if there's a ghost in this house, it's on your mind, it's dark, (suggesting late, therefore tired mind) If it's ever proven i'll hold my hands up and say i was wrong, until then i'm sceptic.
Wow, if there was some way to put brakes on and keep it looking neat. Would be my perfect bike.
21, first had it done second year of college.
They're fine if you keep them at a reasonable size. I've got an 8mm(which obviously is no where near as extreme as yours) in which starts shrinking as soon as i take it out to clean. I know it might never fully close, but i knew that when i got it done, i haven't regretted it once since i had it and plan on keeping it for a long time yet (job allowing) . If people are getting them done just for fashion and to try and look cool rather than because they 100% want one, then they deserve to be stuck with it.
You don't have to post a profile picture of yourself. You don't have to accept friend requests. You don't have to posts status' You can make it so only friends cans see what you write/ upload etc From what i can tell the only people who complain about Facebook have no friends. The whole, it takes over your life argument doesn't work, if you add only your proper friends, you shouldn't get too many messages that piss you off. If they do, maybe you aren't compatible as friends. Also the whole, it takes away your social interaction is rubbish. Before facebook people would ring each other for extended periods of time, the only difference is, facebook is free. It makes organisng events with large mounts of people so much easier nd quicker than text, or( the way people against facebook appear to suggest is better) going to each individuals house. You only have to put on facebook what you feel comfortable putting on, if you don't put it on/ have strict privacy settings no one else will see it. Yes you get annoying people who constantly update their status, but if they annoy you, why are you friends? The people who have 1000+ friends etc is no different from real life when people say, "so and so are my friends" about people they've met once. Use it properly and it's ridiculously useful, if you don't, then its your fault.
+ = Profit?
This. That still is my favourite video. However this video shows just how good he is with any bike. On the helmet front, Chris has ridden for a long time and has has his share of big crashes i'm sure, he knows what he's risking so leave it at that.
You have to question the sanity of someone who buys a bucket of chicken only to effectively throw it on the floor... Impressive moves in it but too many cheesy parts to sit through 8 mins.
This confused me at first when i read the first page and saw all the old members posting. Then i realised, shame. I miss the old bird though.
Yeh, i mean like when he does the 360 drop around 3:15 and there's a gturn somewhere where i felt it looked out of place, i wasn't referring to the actual shots of scenery, i just couldn't think of a better word. I can't really explain how i mean but i do realise Dave is 100% more experienced than me.
On the filming the only complaint i had was sometimes, i felt they were doing all the panning just for the sake of making it look better produced now it is advertising a global brand and not just a web video, and that it went for scenery over riding. But thats how they wanted it filmed, thats fair enough, to people how know about filming maybe it was expertly produced. Riding however was top notch, frontflips etc aside, that hop to manual to hook was insane and i really like the hop over the bench to the beach wall and back. Crazy how he managed to improve past the 09 vid.
WIth such commitment you might think you'd have their name somewhere in your display name...
They blame us for innocent deaths of muslims, and i guess all military deaths (not 100% on that one) in Iraq and Afghan.
Exactly the same as the American who wanted to burn the Qur'an, both acts are disrespectful and both acts are looked down on by the sane people who follow the same faith. I can guarantee at least 90% of muslims etc will look at this in the same way we looked at the vicar.
That came out really well Ben, i've always liked your style of riding. Was a good day, my wrist is quite bad after it, so going to give it a weeks rest and we'll have to get out again.