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Everything posted by TheSnowden

  1. F*** me, I just looked through some and one of the guys from my Spanish 102 class is in one of your pics haha! Small world!?
  2. Haha I will do mate, I'm getting a second hand t-pro tomorrow as my first bike are you around manc now? Or are you back home? Does your profile pic have a microwave in it?
  3. Get away! I'm at Salford uni too! Add me!! And yeah an assemblence if that's a word? Of riders would be good, plenty of cracking places to ride there and also at Salford quays! mmmmm
  4. Sounds good to me! thanks jack!
  5. wahey I'm finally in the Members group! :)

  6. Hi guys, looking for a club over Manchester way, or even as far as sheffield.. I suppose.. Although atm im more of a hazard to other people so this is for when im better Cheers!
  7. Yay or Nay? Im looking at one, nothing appears wrong with it so ignore specs of that kind, but is it a good beginner bike really? I.e. lightish, maneuverable etc? Jonny
  8. On the subject of protection but not for downtubes or bikes at all, what are the lower leg (shin) protectors i see people wearing in videos etc? is it 661 stuff or homemade? etc and im assuming it's to stop breaking chunks of your leg off whenever a trick goes wrong?
  9. Yorkshire Dale - Lol! Sounding good guys! I'm not looking to see what to get for my first or anything
  10. Hi, can anyone tell me what the difference is between and 'grinded' and a 'non-grinded' rim? Cheers
  11. Don't point that one out mate! haha (in referance to the spanish ;P)
  12. So what are everybody's favourite brands and models etc..? I'm new to this as you can probably see, but by my reckoning the Meta VTT2 26" stock in white is the best looking (in my opinion) frame out there. (http://www.metabike.com/trials_vtt2.html) However I'm a mod kinda guy, and in this department, i'd prefer the Echo Lite (http://biketrial.tw/images/forum/2010/echo_lite_complete_14.jpg) As for Forks.. I'm open to anything new Spooning however is off the menu what do you like?
  13. Hi guys, well, first of all.. b*gger, i thought it was a great idea to stop people spamming/scamming etc.. i think they should re-introduce that.. and secondly, i have looked into the member organised ride section and there doesn't seem to be much happening in my area, only one guy coming round in august for a maintenance course, so ill contact him and hopefully i'll have a bike by then I currently train for triathlons so i only have my road bike with me at my term time accommodation
  14. Hey, I'm Jonny, I'm 19 and I'm at university in Salford, Manchester, but originally from Darlington, Durham.. At the moment I'm on my feet jumping around and pretending I can do trials.. I think they call it Parkour Hopefully going to get a 20" mod soon; I have MTB XC/Endurance and Road Racing background and I've always wanted to doing a bit of BMX but never got round to it.. but Trials with a mod is way better and I'd thought i'd get into it Next year im on a year abroad for 4 months in france, 4 in spain, and 4 in italy, and hopefully i'll be able to have got a bit of experience in the delightful english summer.. and i can take that with me (and a bike too ) If there's any riders in Manchester willing to teach a quick learning/low bottle (atm) noob then i'd be grateful
  15. Hi mate, I'm new to this forum too, but if i'm wrong with the following im sure someone will correct me and we can both learn from it! It is all down to personal preference in all honesty, do you have any experience in riding MTB 26+ wheels? or maybe a little BMX history? Personally I'm leaning towards a 20" Mod bike for my first when I get it.. I've got experience with MTB 26" XC/Endurance stuff, but I fancy a little change, and from what i've heard/read/seen, it's a lot easier for beginners with the 20" wheels/frame as there is less material so it is lighter/cheaper and more maneuverable etc. But if you're ruling out mods, then I would suggest a 24". How tall are you? because in terms of maneuverability the taller you are, the easier it would be to do trials with a bigger bike (i think!?) Hope this helps :/
  16. Hi everyone, just wondering if there's any riders who are in Manchester frequently, where you meet/ride etc and whether you'd be able to teach a noob a thing or two (although i still haven't got a bike yet, im hoping to soon). Im also a photographer so I can maybe get some snaps of you if you want them? Jonny
  17. Hey everyone, New guy to Trials-Forum looking to get into it etc, thought i'd start posting to get on my way to full-membership, I'll wait til then (and til when i have some money) before commenting on buy/sell stuff (although I will be looking for complete 20" mod bikes soon). Hopefully I can get my 5 comments done today then I can get on my way over the next few days If there's any riders in the Manchester/Eccles area then pm me as I would love to go and see some riders in action (im also a freelance photographer!) and I can take some snaps for you if you fancy Cheers Jonny
  18. TheSnowden


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