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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. click hd or the footage looks a bit poo. various riders ranging in skill delay on making edit due to a million reasons. thanks Lucy
  2. so why sheep? And how does everyone feel about boats vs trains..? This is also topical..
  3. Its HP or Heinz, both red sauce at the end of the day... Everyone ask yourself, am i riding a bike? Do i have fun doing it? Do i try to do back wheel hops, sidehops, to front moves etc etc. Street trials is still trials just executed differently.. Do park bmx riders hate on flatland etc etc?
  4. WTF is with the inspired element fork's.. Am i seriously going to need a 1" starnut..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skoze


      Do what Cap says!

    3. Miss-Higgy


      Already thought of this, where would i get em tapped though? i have one of those top caps in the shed and everything

    4. Cap


      Check that the top cap doesn't just fall in the steerer first then you know it can be done, you would need to find someone with an m18 x 1 tap :P

  5. That noise near the end had me and jim in stiches!
  6. its xmas eve.. [edit] no sorry its acually xmas when i pressed the button my bike is 1 tarty order and a postal delivery away from being built i'm half drunk.. loads of prezzies to open erm.... and i have some salted pretzels... win! [super edit] 10% EVERYTHING @ TARTY!!! Merry christmas indeed!
  7. bump because i can't find my thread... :/ merry crimbo all!
  8. Move the brakes down and buy long grips, then the option to use more width is there...?
  9. thought this was more a happy note for any inspired enthusiasts. Mine's no longer being painted pink.. Personal happy note it's nearly built! Got my own way and snagged a hope trials hub Just glad i can see the end of a project i couldn't afford to take on!
  10. Duuuur i'm such a dooberry at times! Its the stem i really want too! I'm not that fussed on the green either but i have a plan that should make it look ok.
  11. Basically i'd like the stem and a headset. Stem i know they make but can't find for purchase anywhere, headset i don't think exists. Can someone confirm the stems are rare as rocking horse s**t? And if the headsets exist or i saw it in my sleep Or point me in the right direction of finding either or both?
  12. Inspired now booked in the paint shop! Muhahahaha

  13. If the route plan hits blackpool and surrounding area's I'd love to actually join in the fun this time and not just sit on a rock wondering how the f**k you guys were doing that! LOL
  14. Just watched it on the 60" tele.. My jaw is still on the floor from its epicness, it gave me tingles, happy, sad and a whole bundle of other stuff exactly what a full feature length film should do.. Not just a film about the life cycle of a bike...
  15. Hmmmm.... Watched it 5 times today. Flipp are you serious... I'm now having to re asses what i actually think is "possible" You just can't do that! Take awesome braked lines and smash them to smithereens, and then when you think its over you take it further. Carl that was also aceness! Wanted to see more though, you do amaze me the way your so relaxed looking while chucking yourself off height! Mark, could you seriously fit anymore spins in! Clean as per. Ali... I'm sure i speak for all with this one, but promise us you'll never stop doing what you do..
  16. oh yeah one more thing to add to my list.. Get the guinea pig to land a backflip! Were half way there!
  17. Hmmmm... In 2013 I will be mostly riding a brakeless inspired, just for those who love it Get more video's made, get better at editing and master adobe after effects. Hopefully run a small event here in Blackpool I'm in process of securing, outside the winter gardens. Hopefully GetCreative next year holds a podium for me instead of just a spot prize! Maybe RadFest, and as many group rides as we can get on... Oh yeah and nail footjam tail's and my new top secret finishing move
  18. What a piss take... Been clear but cold most the week. I bring the Go Pro home to get filming for the curb comp! And it f**king pisses it down!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bikeperson45


      I can't even a nice enough curb :(

    3. Miss-Higgy


      find you mean? If you read the rules it doesn't have to be a curb. Just a single spot, and camera angle.. i think need to re read it all myself to be honest

    4. bikeperson45


      woops, yea find I meant. A curb's the only spot I think I'm going to get that I can really session for hours though, this comp's pretty tactical

  19. :/ oh great now i'm gonna have to some how get you a dominos pizza to where eva the hell you live, or build another mod BTW that contract would also void because it still hasn't been set up..
  20. No comment yoshi I'm annoyed i still haven't sold my park bike.. And the inspired is still sat there unusable. Brakes also make me angry thinking i might take them off me mod.. Again!! And to top it all off the guinea pig keeps trying to open the xmas prezzie's...
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