I'm probably really behind with this conversation. I've not read all 181 replys just bens post and a few afterwards so sorry if my reply. I'm not the smartest of people but this is what i have to say on the matter.
And having listened the video, it does worry me. I had not heard of geo engineering before, i can fully believe how bad this process is. Like he said about the temp in atlanta and three days later it snowing, why is no one questioning this. In the UK we've had some weird flooding and some really strange weather patterns. We've had comet close calls and damn close strikes. And people i know don't even know it happened. I know a few people who don't even think were in recession, I mean wake the f**k up!
If the fact about the ice cap imploding this year is true then we are in serious trouble! And 200 species of animals in a day, yeah thats a good thing isn't it. And don't naive and think i haven't heard of 200 animals dying that wasn't on the news, and thats because it will be species of animals, fish insects that you've never heard of. Our planet has such a massive eco system that even 10 species dying in a day could have a massive backlash! Do people remeber the thing with Gordon Ramsey on tv, trying to get people to stop fishing so hard? This relates in my opinion and i guess most of you seen it because it was on TV.. Geo engineering is bad, but TV is worse! lol
The dinosaurs got wiped.. Who's saying it can't happen again, ok we haven't had the big comet hit, but it was global warming that finished them off..
But like ben said everyones to happy with doing nothing. Me included but we do need to do something, if not for our own lifetime.. But think of the next generation, and i really wish i could do something? I will post the video on facebook and everyone else needs to wake up and realise we're doing serious damage even making more people aware will help!!
Good post ben, thanks for the info i had not heard of this.