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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. Ahhh i knew there was a reason! Cannot stand Liver or kidney or any kind of offal! Oh yeah Dan dare you to try make guacamole ^^ u prob cud its not even hard!
  2. Ok then you have read up or just know your stuff i enjoy my lasange other people have done too. Plus who came up with the idea of mixing things up and cooking it? Like the creator of liver and onions needs hunting down in the after life not me for a bit of bacon ^^
  3. LOL i only meant a bit on the top cuz i'm a bacon and cheese fiend! I'm guessing you stuck college out then? ^^
  4. Me and J smoke, me more than him as he only smokes spliffs, i don't really feel unhealthy we ride a lot and walk everywhere.. But smoking is proven to make people unhealthy so i can't argue that i'm healthier than i would be if i didn't smoke..
  5. Boiling mince is a lot healthier, and if you want to add a bit of lea and perrins pepper salt, and a pinch of chilli powder, the meat is really good but your meal becomes all one flavor. Its down to preference. Personally fried with lots of pepper and some tobasco for hot dishes and lea perrins for the rest Make your own salsa to go with its soooo easy!! Get one or two tins of chopped tomato's or about 10 fresh tomato's. One large onion (chopped fine) A sweet pepper (color is your own choice) One or two small red chilli's ^^ (depending on heat preference) (you can add some avocado if available for texture purposes) Cumin, Chilli Powder, Coriander, Thyme, and some salt and pepper. Reduce the tomato's, and start adding herbs to preference (keep tasting to make sure you don't add too much) Meanwhile fry your onions, and add peppers and avocado quite late in the process so they retain flavor and texture. (No one likes slop...) Takes no more than an hour to do and a brilliant touch to any Mexican dish Baked Beans in a chilli as well as kidney or mixed.. (not telling my other secret chilli ingredient, OT bacon in a spag bol or lasange is well good!
  6. Seriously can't stop listening to this.. Such a good song to ride to! Lovelife - Bandwagon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu29xZWHuUI Another just quickly!! OH MY GOD!!! Love the original and this takes the mic out of it!!! Chew Lips - Karen(Netsky RMX) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttaKD6XVGI4
  7. Miss-Higgy


    EPIC!!!! And just making you aware that im going to be making some calls to the society against cruelty to fruit... ^^ Well upset i dident have my bike when you guys hit bpool... Got it now so hopefully by next year i will have learnt to use it ^^
  8. The video don't show how big some of those side hops are properly! Are you sure you guys aint robots!?! And ahhahaha why did you show a clip of jims mug ^^
  9. Was still a really good day apart from getting lost on the way in.. Wish i had of signed up for a taster, i wasent gonna do it without Jim though and i thought the course would be un rideable by the likes of me... Still had a good street ride, this little old lady stopped and watched me for about 20mins clapping at me when i got on the memorial wall.. never had that before. HA! JIM fell in a fountain cocky twat! Not spoiling it for anyone but the £500 winner deffo deserved it pulled out all the best stuff!
  10. In my experiance with 3.... They suck! They rip you off, credit goes missing you cant contact anyone to solve the issue. So yeah 3 suck on pay and go! Contract not sure about prob as shite but idk!
  11. Whats the weather like? anyone know??? Just looked on manchester web cams and its wet and rainy
  12. I only use one finger had to try and use two on my old bike, and i dident feel like i had hold of the bike. My current bike was set up by someone else and he had me hold the bars to line them up with my index finger, So try move em like everyone sez.. :/
  13. I have been trying them on but im sure some gloves will feel ace when you try them on, but not be ace for riding. Thats what i wanna avoid.
  14. theres another post post about red bull street light sessions loads have already said they are attending
  15. Yeh why is this weird to you? My usernaame would have been Miss-Higgy But my b/f created the profile for me and im stuck with it lol.
  16. Thats the one lol played all of em so far from morrowind on xbox have downloaded most of the add ons n stuff so need to have skyrim atleast its gonna give me something to do while its shit weather n i cant ride
  17. Hmm need to be looking at troy lee then! I'm using Monty Elite Foam Grips mikee. And jamie are they not gardening gloves or something..... I was thinking purpose built..
  18. Hiya, I've been looking around at gloves and i wanna know if it comes down to 661 for durability, comfort and value. People have mentioned Fox Racing gloves don't actually last very long. I have spotted some Monty gloves i like, but will they be like the grips and last a few weeks. What about comfort does anyone have any suggestions on comfort i.e can your skin breath (quite important to me). I Don't wanna buy a set that are gonna cut of circulation or rub more then not wearing them! I have the correct sizing for my hands but do people buy gloves a size up sometimes like shoes. (doesn't make sense but nor do a lot of people) Like i say i don't know and don't wanna waste money on gloves...
  19. my pet is my avatar! a guniea pig called pigachu! Ive trained him to do some little tricks, he will do circles, kiss, step up, through the tunnel and trying to get him to play dead but hes not getting it lol!
  20. Caryn Leech how come now one has mentioned her http://trialsqueens.net/Riders.html that's a decent link.. Meee but i'm not famous and a beginner LOL
  21. Does anyone know if oblivion edler scrolls 3 is still set for December release?
  22. Buy some decent cranks then when you get a better bike you already have the cranks... Middleburns are the ones you want but the are others out there that are good and better value.
  23. Yeah i sell the grenades so was an easy mod! Jim done it cuz im not allowed to play with sharp things erm i think the bb rise is about 40-45mm might be a wrong measurement was very quick.. I know it has a very high BB rise though!
  24. I love it too and so does my guniea pig when ever its in the room he has to come look at it! Put a set of foam grips on it now hopefully be easyer on the hands. GEO; 995mm wheel base 375mm chain stay 405mm seat stays not sure on headstock angle stuff or what else geo consists of or how to measure it lol
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