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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. If i can talk J into it then he qualifies for senior class. That will be funny for me
  2. LOL!! Yeah i think a few people know who J is.. You never know the infamous Jim may be lurking on the prom as soon as his Ashton Effect gets some arm's...
  3. Thanks for the Intel i'll have a lookie
  4. The cheapest i have found them is about £40 and i don't wanna spend that on a second mod just to make the megamo last longer. Like you said i'm still a beginner so its pointless id rather pick up a second hand front wheel for a 10er Thanks again though.
  5. The sarcasm bone is out a bit there. There's a good few of us who live in bpool, your best bet is ride as often as you can between north pier and clevelys and you'll bump into people quite often ranging in skill level. Might cya out sometime
  6. Thanks guys had my question answered I'd rather buy the hub brand new, there is one on tarty bikes i think. But still i would rather have a new rim too. Just wondered if i could build a wheel for a 10er with the bits i have
  7. Basically I've got a 28 hole rim sat here, and i'm wondering if its possible to do anything with it if i get some spokes, since 28h hubs are quite rare and its not worth spending much on.
  8. f**k the hang over, off down the prom..

  9. Ah ha! Its all good then as long as it happens Is there anywhere we might be able to find out what the routes consist of? Need loads more practice before i even consider entering for even just the white route.
  10. Hmmm i really hope blackpool north shore confirms, will be right on my doorstep
  11. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/helmets/fox_flux_2010/c89p11057.html I want it in pink though, I will have it by new year hopefully!
  12. Don't think we can get the car plus Jims bike has no arms
  13. safety is priceless, save for a good one. Job done.
  14. I don't get it, being a stupid coo again
  15. Yeah i know it went very wrong. But the majority of people get what i'm on about i think.
  16. LOL I'm the same with bottles and can's labels have to be forward, i put this with having worked as a bar manager and enforcing it with other staff.
  17. Miss-Higgy


    Any thing directed by Kevin Smith for the win!
  18. Just wondering if anyone on here has any specific maybe even silly ways of doing thing's. they will admit to, I don't have very many and the ones i do are silly. Stuff like; Making sure my electric guitar is turned down before anyone unplugs it. Brew making surface has to be clean at all times. when i go shopping to asda etc i have to put everything on the till as i want it to go into the bags, and i hate having people pack for me they do it wrong!!! I also seem to have an obsession with hats?? I can't stop collecting them and i never wear them. Jim is the one that got me thinking having been a trials rider for a good 20 years of his life, everything has to be inch perfect no matter what he does. Even down to chopping and onion each dice has to be the same size or he isn't happy. Cables behind the telly are all matched colour coded and neatly arranged. I've stopped putting his clothes away because i never do it right. If building something everything is measured to the mm and carefully built! And there's too many more to mention! So yeah what do you do inch perfect or double check or have to do? POST AND TITLE EDITED TO REDUCE POSSIBLE ANGRY PEOPLE AND IT APPEARED I HAD THE WRONG IDEA OF AN OCD
  19. just remember white rim tape don't stay white for as long as black stays black.
  20. It's not like your putting the weight on the front or back it will be central, so will get to it later
  21. LOL, I'm more bothered about breaking walls and stuff. The bash plate is easily replaced.. Its because the other day i was riding by this little wall and a little old lady came out moaning at me saying i'm the scum of the earth going round purposely breaking things i would like to stop this thought process by people. Or at least be able to turn round and prove i haven't damaged a thing!
  22. basket weaving and spoon crafting.
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