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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. I don't get it.... It's defiantly all in upper case with a space.... DZ ZERO if not ill add people in a bit when i can get j off the xbox have found out i can add u off live online so have done
  2. Try all upper case actually "DZ ZERO"
  3. "DZ Zero" all forza players/drifters add me and check out my storefront, have made a few trials logo's will get more done in time. I share this account with my boyfriend so if i don't respond or playing worms it's not me its jim...
  4. Pendulum are a band playing live instruments so yeh i don't know how you can say you dislike them for the genre they chose. And they are great live but have become extremely main stream. I think "Slam" is the song your referencing. I do see your point and like i say you can blame the creation of dubstep for the massively mainstream poop! And to be fair rnb and drum and bass have all came from reggae and dubplate etc. So blame the rasta's not pendulum
  5. Not trying to start an argument here, but i wouldn't say drum and bass was any more or less mainstream than techno/electro.. Ok so chase and status dj fresh and nero etc have all hit big time making them slightly less appealing. But drum and bass as a genre has only became commercial due to posh kids and dubstep! And i would say mike has created a fast pace liquid dnb song, and liquid is defiantly not mainstream.
  6. Ha! I bought that for J, Stig is a sneaky little git isn't he? And i can't find the accountant on most pages got quite wound up with it
  7. Couldn't help myself. Well i got a fossil necklace, new slippers, pj's, clothes, connect 4, perfume, an rc drift car?? (funny though) bath bombs, cosmetics, alcohol. The coolest in my opinion is the Ed Sheeran lego house, complete with little ginger lego man (ed) and loads of small lego animals! funny! Jim got loads of stuff too, what did you guys get?
  8. Hope everyone has a great day mine is great so far, will try to keep the bored paralytic posts to a minimum later
  9. Beat me to it, i recon 2 out of 4 of the people in this video will turn out to be gay
  10. Organisation for the win agree completely! Apart from the last bit, bikes need to be neat
  11. I was going to ask, do your parent's approve of your career choice, personally i think its a genius route and if your good at something why not. Well Ali if you make it back to blackpool 2moz the offer of getting pissed with us is there (probably less appealing than spending it with the rents but an offer none the less)
  12. See I'm the opposite, all present's have been wrapped with extreme precision! Complete with extra ribbon, (downfall) People say they are too nice to open. LOL
  13. Finally! A christmassy thread! Going to be entertaining this year, having a load of friends round for christmas dinner then a quiet eve with J. Boxing day were at his mom's. I didn't really ask for anything but a helmet and i have loads of prezzies, none of them resembling a helmet Brought J star wars force wars for the wii with two lightsabres should be fun And can't stop acting like a child today! Well exited.
  14. Lol, I know very little about this subject. But FL studios is a beginner software? Try eJay or garageband.. If you think Fl is complicated cakewalk and reason will just confuse you
  15. Miss-Higgy

    Clean - Bpl

    Great little vid! The opening credits about blackpool are sooo true! Made me wanna have a bash at making the world's worst trials vid feat me
  16. Probably was slipping off them and always worrying about where my feet were, with the vp's when i'm on the they stay. Just me being my usual spazzy self
  17. interested in you 28 h hub..

  18. I'm repping onza double cage pedals, aside from the fact they eat trainers and kill my shin guards.. They are good very grippy compared to my v8's i was using for a while. Don't think they are gonna last forever with the shit i give them, have bent the teeth a few times already but they are cheap enough to be disposable pedals
  19. Mine hurt's when i fall off, that's why i wear knee shin guards But seriously this may be helpful?
  20. Amen. Personally i don't care what gets christmas number one lets hope it actually has something to do with christmas. And hopefully I wont have to listen to it as i have my own playlist's that in my opinion are way better than any corporate/commercial market can throw at me. Well done rage, nirvana is a great, but leave it alone already peep's. I vote this;
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