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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. My first post in this section, my first video clip infact! Yes it's poo but i'm dead proud of it even though i have done better stuff and this was the end of the day and i was feeling dead! Mainly uploaded it because someone on here, can't remember who didn't believe i'm a real person so here's my FU!
  2. So come on then if your getting back into it, where were you today :P

  3. Especially when street riding is free, or rock's
  4. This is soo true when i left brum 3-4 year ago skinnys were coming in... Now they are all the rage up here and chino's are just coming in.... To be honest what you wear makes very little difference apart from comfort! I ride in leggings all the time and they are great for it.. Most competition riders wear lycra... You also prob ride a bike with no seat so why can someone not wear skinny jeans to ride a bike, they are thicker and better protection from falls + you can guarantee you will not get you jeans caught in you chain wheel. And for the record in my observations TGS riders wear shorts... And BMX riders skateboarders etc etc all wear skinny jeans....
  5. Is you avatar a Honey Badger?

    Did you make this?

  6. LOL just looked at the post date... Don't i feel silly saw the £5 off and got over exited!
  7. Just tried it... It say's "There is no balance left on this redemption code." Now i have bough something i shouldn't have LOL!!
  8. Ennit the new one will be out soon trials evo with online multi play HD is ancient!
  9. The only thing i can think of that you can't do brakeless is competition's? Do what you find more fun...
  10. Miss-Higgy

    Old Skool

    An ancient video of Jim (zebdi) and Cap (saracen) Found a load of his old videos so thought we'd chuck it up Keep in mind this vid was made is about 2005 hence the shit quality Might even be a new one soon!
  11. That would be cool as long as you set them up a separate house in a different room and don't move it about too much they should be happy to only do their business in the designated areas as Pigachu has demonstrated. Would love to get him a lady friend but i haven't got space for baby piggies. Nor can i afford to have him neutered plus he's a bit old for it. Like said if i had got him from a shop myself i would have done it like you
  12. Yeah ideally i would have had two, but he was bought by someone else and couldn't look after him so i took him in. And don't seem to get on with others because he's been on his own. But that's why he's a house pig and he lives in the kitchen and i just close the door at night. He comes out in the day when someone is about so we try to be as social with him as possible. Hence why he thinks he's a human!
  13. My guinea pig doing tricks for treats Also sorry for poor camera quality and skill
  14. Miss-Higgy


    I'll get a video proof for you later No problemo
  15. Thanks for the offer guys, i've been trying to get a decent picture of the sketches to upload for you but i can get a good pic. So i'll just explain the idea and someone else could do it and enter it if you like. I'd just like to see some of my idea on the shirt in the end. Basically take a picture of a 24" wheel (3x spoke pattern) with a tyre on it. Replace the make on the tyre with the bike trial fed logo (on the curve so the logo will need a bit of changing about! And a union jack behind the wheel but faded out round the edges. (If you look at the wheel hard enough you will see that the lines of the union jack will almost fit perfectly into the 3x spoke pattern when slightly skewed.) On a white long sleved jersey with bike trial fed logo down one arm and riders name down the other leaving space for another sponsor or rider number. That's one of my ideas...
  16. Miss-Higgy


    Asif! Thanks alot Dan.. I do alot of stuff i do you don't know about.... And as far as my guinea pig can your's do tricks? Circles kisses stand on his back legs etc! He aint yo average guinea pig!
  17. Have tried both not having any luck... Either i'm slow or my idea is too complex
  18. Is GiMP Free? The only version i have of photoshop i have is 7 :/ plus i don't really have a clue how to use it..
  19. What programs are you guys using? I've got loads on paper.. Struggling to get it into a valid format!
  20. It's so the camera men could see where he was.
  21. Ikea is you best bet! Just look for a cheap fitting with led's included then maybe upgrade the bulbs? That's what we did in the hall way the moment we moved into this flat. And LED's should be fine in the post failing ikea.
  22. I wonder, does anyone's partners know their contraception choices and period patterns are being discussed on here? Can't belive i'm about to join in.. But with the coil can cause infertility and that's its downfall plus have you seen the procedure?
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