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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. Still can't tell if this is a fast show spin off, or if its actually genuine. One thing i will say is, if your going to slag trials off your bound to get slagged off yourself but literally everyone.
  2. Theres a like and share competition for a free BBT t-shirt here: https://www.facebook.com/BlackpoolBikeTrials

  3. Offically one of the most random threads i've ever read on here? Seriously confused... At first i thought someone had, had their bike stolen while at radfest but its far more complex than that..
  4. Deffo there for the street ride in manx. Might try and make the stoke session too
  5. I thought people loved trial tech disc only forks...?

    1. Cap


      Stan does, I am more of a 4 bolt kinda guy ;)

    2. Miss-Higgy


      let me guess the logic... More holes to aim for?

    3. wilf


      My set just arrived today, epic forks.

  6. As we go fo sure! I would ramble about videos being missed blah blah blah. But everyone else just said it... My other question is has anyone actually started on a vid yet? Or are we looking at extentions again? At this rate i'm going to miss all the good weather trying to think of something better than last year.
  7. I must say it really came together well! And those stickers are so apt! I should start approaching companies for frame decal design! The bike looks awesome as a whole whats its ride like?
  8. I currently own all three mention bike types a mod ( awesome for pure and comp trials and practice.) Street and park bike for obvious stuff & bmx track and an inspired
  9. To be fair, i started out trials on a mod and i've moved to 24 and much happier with it. But i learnt soo much thanks to my mod.
  10. This may be me being a b*tch, but are the sponsored riders not sponsored already to do videos etc? They carry company names due to an already agreed sponsorship deal and are supposed to make videos and be in the public eye with their products? If i was sponsored by a proper company i would think i was expected to enter a competition that gained so much attention last year. Unsponsored riders are doing it for the love of it, or because it spur's them on to ride alone or more often. With very little hope of securing a top spot with the amount of unsponsored talent around. I don't know its probably me, but yeah, thats my opinion. Also would like to agree with Nick in every way, I entered the competition last year and it pushed my riding so far and made me try things i'd previously have ignored. The idea` of the competition is to broaden your personal skill set and look at what else your bike/self can actually do! Glad to see it back, I'm in and so's jim
  11. Went out on mod for first time since breaking my foot yesterday. I really couldn't get used to it after riding the inspired. Is this where i need a 24" compy bike?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. trialsiain


      i only rode my 24 tgs ee , i done no spins or anything so i got a stock and like it a lot better for what i do

    3. isitafox


      I reckon you need to be going for Zoot Pro geometry to keep it functional on 2 wheels and the rear wheel.

    4. Martin Reynolds

      Martin Reynolds

      Another vote on the zoot, the one i rode was best of both worlds :)

  12. Right! Where we up to? Is that a set or? I've lost track and not checked the thread recently. I'm over my foot injury so back in the game!
  13. Just had a hop round the garden on a 26" short bike... Soo tempted to sell my mods, and buy one.

  14. This IS amazing!! As far as the video goes, i spent most of my time viewing it saying "no you can't do that" epic as per..
  15. "the bike was recently painted due to being bored with a plain black bike." Poss wrong but is it an inspired? And they don't come from factory in black, like him having the receipt suggests?
  16. Brad, asif you did that. Thats what i broke my foot doing! HAHA And get it posted OAndrews
  17. Had my first ever manual dream last night, it was a hang 5 on my inspired though. I do have a vivid imagination.. LOL

  18. Whey hey nice to see it moving again! And to be honest i'd like to see a gap crankflip And don't tell us what you plan to set thats poo
  19. Right! Due to having fractured my foot and everyone else seems to be floumdering on the last set, the baton will be passed to Mr Hopps. He has a clip and will be sharing it shortly.
  20. has anyone else found that truvativ's "hussefelt" embossed text on their cranks, takes the skin off your ankle? Ors it just me being cag footed?

  21. tescos! There only cheap, and if you ride dead good, you wont pop them.
  22. Is no1 stepping upto the mark on this one? I can't do it and now have a foot injury so its out of my hands
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