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Everything posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. Yeah massive! I'll bounce back normally do
  2. The epic bail hurts alot now, took the skin off two of my right hand knuckles, my wrist hurts to pick stuff up and move, and my shoulder is tence as... Glad you guys found it entertaining though. What wall, was many walls we rode today?
  3. Cool! What a shitter we missed it.. Could have got some burning building footage
  4. We saw a load of black smoke on the Albert Docks dunno where it was coming from. Assumed it was a boat And i must agree with damon that sundays work better for us too. Been quite an epic day!! Really wounded about that last bail from me my wrist is killing. But all in all happy with today
  5. Think were deffo set to show up, Jim seem's to have his own plan though. Plus we are always shit at deadlines, will text you when we land in Liverpool damon
  6. Cool little gay video Good stuff
  7. Was meant to be in sheffield on friday but i can't make it now, i know me n jim are free on sunday so put us down for a maybe.
  8. LOL! You ok? Kinda regret going to fleetwood and missing it Was taken Saturday just gone by Jim. Thought i'd share
  9. It can't have been a fix.. How in the hell did i get a spot prize.. Jim was mainly riding his getto Echo, and i was on a t-pro, Zhi (mod) and a random 24! No Inspired here, although i wish i owned one
  10. Well the results wasn't quite what i expected! Glad to see some unknown riders to me got the top spots! Well deserved! On the other hand! SPOT PRIZE!!! Never saw that coming! Never won anything but a bag of haribo in my life, well chuffed! Has definitely "Inspired" me to make more videos, started another already Well done to all who entered! And a massive well done to all winners!
  11. I ride a 20" and a 24", but i cannot get used to a 26" bike i have a long and a short one but both feel waaay too big! You should be fine though being a proper trials rider and not just a spazz like me
  12. This waiting is worse than needing a large poo! Ahahahaha
  13. I personally put it down to adrenaline and such! If i drop dead riding trials one day, at least I'll die happy.
  14. Twist your body and look in the direction you want to go? I do that sometimes, i don't know what my heart rate is but i know it goes high, and my legs go like jelly, Normally at the beginning of a ride. I normally have a stretch and chill for 5 and your good to go, or just ride through it.. When you say shaky do you mean like your foot and leg gets the shivers and your hands shake? That's what i mean..
  15. Cool glad to hear it. I just wanna know what i did wrong or what i could have done minus get better footage that would help for future video's full stop! You never know the right advice may get you where you wanna be. But i do see why publishing all results may not go so well. Didn't think of it that way! Or maybe publish a full run down on here as a spoiler, so if you don't want to know you don't have to see it
  16. Should do a place run down, i know i'm not making it to 1st 2nd or 3rd but would be curious to know how i did.
  17. Try tightening the spokes on the opposite side to the lean? Or loosening the side that leans? Then re tension the lot? Just an idea?
  18. Do you know what really annoys me, seeing people on unscratched & still brand new after 6 months trials bikes. Sat in the park looking cool... I mean really? More money than sense comes to mind!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nick Manning

      Nick Manning

      The problem is that if money is no object then they can buy a really nice set up. I'm not sure about you Dan, but i've been riding for over 12 years and I started on a 17" mountain bike, upgrading to a 14" jump bike and changing parts, with my first trials bike being a Leeson clear 660 4 years after I started riding trials.

    3. AndrewEH1


      ...but trials isn't cool in the first place so I don't see how these guys think having a scratch free bike will improve things :D

    4. Miss-Higgy


      God knows andrew.. And I did the same as you nick, in a shorter space of time.

  19. Sorry to say it.. But.. CHEESE! Amazing riding though
  20. London is EPIC! South bank is ace, but what's with all the people taking pictures.

  21. Why's there never any mod frame's i like for sale, when i look :( Really want a jaff :)

  22. I shall find out for you muel, never been for a ride in sheff so i'll have to consult the tour guide And well corrected dez, have edited it now. You gonna come?
  23. Thanks for posting this! Was about to do it Details: Halloween - Sheffield - Boo - Bike. Friday 2nd of November night ride 4 pm until late (free parking) Fancy dress theme - You can go as far as you like prizes will be given out to the best dressed lad's or lassie's (to be announced) Any rider without any form of fancy dress is a knob head! Everyone who attends in costume will be receiving small prize too! meeting place: Sheffield 02 (right in the centre next to the bus station) People are travelling from all over so check the link Ogre posted and see who's going from where and you may even be able to snag a lift in, maybe a place to crash! Hope to see you there!!
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