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About frika

  • Birthday 01/20/1987

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Martin Fricker
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Zoo Pitbull
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bikes, football, PS4
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frika's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I'm back.. Again.

    Read more  
    1. tomturd


      welcome back! :O

    2. Skoze


      it's you from the telly!

    3. frika


      Lol, thanks! How is everyone?

  2. Hey Leon has given my bike a bit of TLC (after months of collecting dust in my garage) Does anyone fancy a ride in Basildon on Sunday? Me, Leon, Lloyd etc will be about! Let me know! Martin
  3. frika

    Frika's Trials

    Old video of me riding back in the days! 2005
  4. frika

    Frika- The Lost Tapes

    A few clips of me riding in Basildon in 2005, I found them after I'd quit trials and put them together into a lil video.. When I get my new bike for xmas I will be riding again.. So this is just a lil trip down memory lane!
  5. Swapped the black Pashley forks for silver Ashton's..
  6. frika

    My Dbr

    Yeah I remember I went to a MBUK Urban Tour in Clacton about 6 or 7 years ago and saw Ian Cooper on one.. Thought they were awesome! I'm gonna catch up with the times and get a long, low & (probably) silver frame in the next few months anyways..
  7. frika

    My Dbr

    Here is my new bike (still representing the old school!)
  8. Cheers mate I think Kujo (rear) and El Gato (front) is the best combination of tires for trials.. I had them on my old Giant Team Trials about 6 years ago, and never changed since! I will be making my way to Southend shortly.. Cool cool! Nah nothings been resprayed! Cheers for the comments people
  9. Cheers! I like my lil seat though And yeah Ri, we'll ride soon now the weathers nice!
  10. Let me know what you think!
  11. frika

    Horror Film

    I'm watching it now.. Bail videos are always worth a look!
  12. frika

    2 Zebdi's

    still are the best! ^ THAT is old school! It's my mark1 Zebdi that I used to ride before I quit for 3 years..
  13. frika

    Fr!kA's Pics

    Martin Fricker's Pics
  14. frika

    2 Zebdi's

    Here's my zebdi (changed stem and chain tensioner) Woodard's Zebdi
  15. Come Romford with me John and Nick Foster!
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