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curry :)

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Everything posted by curry :)

  1. thanks, i have my old chain but it doesnt say what size it is on it, it just says KMC K-6G?
  2. i have just ordered this tensioner for my bike after my chain breaking and breaking my old tensioner at the same time and i don't know weather i need to get a 1/8" chain or a 3/32" chain so i was wondering if someone could help me. I dont know if these pictures would help in which ones to get but it is what sprocket i have if that makes a difference? thanks
  3. Thanks! That looks good on that bike!
  4. chears! Where does it say what size my rear sprocket is.... im learning, slowly .
  5. Thanks! And it says long or standard, so which one out of those should i pick? i seem to bash it a lt aswell at the moment so will this one take it a bit better than the other one or do i just need to stop bashing it as much?
  6. hi, sorry for the bad picture but that is the tensioner i have on at the moment but the chain has just broke so i took it to my local bike shop and they said that i could do with a trials specific tensioner for it as this tensioner bent when the chain snapped and maybe a spring one with one cog rather than two they said? Could anyone tell me which one would be good to get? I have looked on tartybikes but i dont have a clue which one would be better for me than others? Also i don't want to get a really expensive one as i haven't been doing trials long so it is likely i will probably break it again not too long in the future. Thanks Also the current tensioner is a shimano one with 2 cogs. Also the tensioner at the moment is a shimano one with 2 cogs.
  7. I have HS33 brakes with Onza Citrus pads and my wheel rims have been grinded, the breaks work well but whenever i do break there is quite a loud squeaking noise, i was just wondering if this happens with all grinded rims or i am doing something wrong?
  8. This might be a stupid question but if i don't ask i wont learn, and i looked on the internet but couldnt find out, i have a czar trials bike and need to know if the pedals will be 9/16 thread ones or ones with with one piece cranks on? Are all trials bikes the same or does it depend on your bike? Or is there an easy way to tell just by looking at it?
  9. ah ok chears! well i wasnt expecting it to go up to £250 been as though im the only bidder! i thought it would stay on £200 unless someone else bidded on it
  10. Because it is an old spec, does that mean it would be hard to get parts for it? What better one could i get for the same price or a bit more?
  11. Yes thats the one! ah cool thanks! Also, i don't really know anything about the bikes yet so need to learn, is there anything i should do to it if i get it? as i will have some money left over
  12. I don't have a trials bike at the moment and was just wondering if this would be a good starters bike, as i would like a 26" wheeled one.
  13. Thanks! Also, as i really don't know much at all about the bikes, i would like one with a seat, even if i have it out for most of the time, just because i will sometimes use it to get places rather than just doing tricks on, or can you put a seat on any bike?
  14. I want to start up doing trials and i want to but a 26" wheel bike, but i don't have a clue which one to get, could someone suggest ant good starter bikes which are preferably less than or around £400 brand new or used? or good parts/ frames to buy to build one.
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