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About old'scoolfool

  • Birthday 07/15/1987

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    United Kingdom

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old'scoolfool's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Hi mate interested in your bars and stem, text me cheers rich 07789438432

  2. randomplace to ask i know but i need a multi gym picking up from choppington,northumberland and delivered to sunderland area, will pay £50 plus petrol cost if anyones free you can also have £30 worth of stuff from my thread here
  3. that is 100% legit known about him for years he used to ride trials then lost his sight due to diabetes i believe and still kept at it really impressive lad didnt realize that was you who posted it Matt lol
  4. when did you last grind your rim?
  5. almost as shit as this
  6. now this looks like fun unlike that audi crap wish they did a 24" or 26" i'd be well tempted
  7. barely much difference to my eyes lol
  8. much better looking without zoo stickers everywhere very clean
  9. i bite mine im a man i dont need em neat and pretty lol
  10. so no-one else is thinking nail scissors and tweezers wtf? mmkay as you were ladies
  11. keep an eye out for an onza zoot, the one with the seat would be a great starter bike and more streety than trials which is probably what you'll be into being a freerunner
  12. i'd get an alarm or better a beartrap behind that door if i was Joel i can imagine that scumbags pretty pissed hes got no crack money the weekend ha
  13. yeah what happened? that guy looked like bad news
  14. supermance on a mod just doesn't look right, i know i'll be alone here but dislike! barf etc
  15. old'scoolfool


    they could do what every other forum does when it gets pic heavy or reaches 100pages and close the thread and link to thread number 2 never posted in either but it seems to be pissing people off and its a simple fix
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