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    riding bikes :D
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. I really liked that, some epic riding in it
  2. I ride with music if im on my own, but with friends i find it abit too anti social to have headphones in.
  3. I really enjoyed that, music was good too
  4. Jedamere

    This Guy

    His riding looks horrible, but i cant really tell why..
  5. Ive always wanted a proper drift spec toyota ae86 trueno. There the nicest looking cars as far as im concerned, plus alot of sideways action is never a bad thing
  6. I used cooking oil in an old magura and preferd it to the feel of royal blood. How are you finding it??
  7. i was just trying to show with that video that it is hard to say something is "dead" when an area of the sport is used to entertain most of the country. i know it's not proper trials but the fundamentals are there and it has raised awareness of the sport. atleast now some people in the street dont immediatly think your bieng a vandal, they can almost understand and sometimes appreciate what it is your actually doing.
  8. sorry if you are bieng sarcastic, its hard to tell through the internet lol
  9. ive been watching the odd episode of it and i think it's amazing. i have so much respect for all the people in our armed forces. it is a seriously emotional programn though, its also a bit of a mind f*ck seeing these huge manly soldiers breaking down and crying. i personally dont have the balls to join the army well atleast not at the moment anyway.
  10. This thread is one of the great fails of our century and considering there was a trials rider on britain's got talent id say it is far from dead.
  11. Hey Josh, I've just bought one of these aswell but im still waiting for mine to be delivered i bought a singlespeed kit from superstar components for £10: http://superstar.tibolts.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=58&products_id=265 i went for the 18 tooth because everyone recommended 22:18 gearing. it looks like a good kit for the money you will probably need a chain tensioner aswell, althouh some people ive noticed dont run them on phase 1.2's, not quite sure how. if you can find someone to help you fit it as it will be alot easier hope this helps, Jed
  12. i would highly recommend duffs ive got them in high tops and low. both are epic shoes its only on a rare occasion my foot will actually slip off the pedals.
  13. Thats a really good watch alot of different locations and a good level of riding One thing i was wondering, what are those shinpads like to ride in? because they look a bit restricting.
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