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Everything posted by valk

  1. What's your freewheel/hub? A beehive?
  2. valk

    MarĂ³ Valls V.7

    What a confusing video, starting with the fact that gymshark is sponsoring and no offence but... you don't look like you lift
  3. valk

    Wild trials

    Oh god the music please someone drill my ears to get that out.
  4. First of all sorry for my English as it's not my language. I've gotten panic attacks nearly on a daily basis since 2008 but it's because of a fobia I have with my health. After it's been kind of "under control" I kept on having panic attacks and it was pretty bad at uni to the point of skipping 1 full year just because of fear to go there. Later I got a job and since I was forced to go out and interact with people they kind of went away for the most part, I'd still have them but not as frequent. However for the past 2 months my online business took off and I was forced to quit my job and stay at home and work all day however this took a big toll out of my "mental health" because now I avoid going out as much as I can and if I HAVE to go out I'll be shitting myself for the beginning of the "trip" to the point of which I wish to just pass out or something so I don't have to keep experiencing that. I've got some money now which I'm really grateful for and it allowed me to buy "the car of my dreams" however the anxiety is so bad that I can't even drive it. Riding helped me a lot since I started going out with friends, even if it wasn't very far however lately I find it hard to get the bike in the car and travel like 5km's to a rock garden and ride there because I think that I'll be feeling super bad if I even try to go (despite having been there many times before). I find it that panic attacks don't really ever go away unless you FORCE yourself to live somewhat of a normal life, If you don't have many friends or something to go out then make excuses to go out, go to the supermarket, talk to the cashier, go downtown and go shopping, just force yourself because otherwise you won't have much of a normal life. That's pretty much what the "linden" method explains about dealing with panic attacks. Invite friends over, invite people to ride with you, literally force yourself to do it. I know that 70% of what I said didn't make sense but the little bit that it did, I hope it helps.
  5. valk

    Brakeless Pavel

    ^ that's what I thought but oh well, it deserves to be shown anyways.
  6. Dem triceps and Hams... Leaving the homo aside.. You are already really good however I see so much potential in you if you'd get on the bike more often!
  7. So a sleep paralysis is when your body is getting ready for an astral projection, for people that do astral projection normally we call it catalepsy. After this your astral body prepares and leaves your physical body for a full out of body experience.
  8. I guess he's talking about the video itself; not the riding.
  9. Godamn russians what's up with your sense of danger?
  10. It was good and happy until.......that...... happened.
  11. I think the sketchiness comes from lack of practice, with some time on the bike it'll go away as you'll have more control over what you do. Regarding the position Jake though, yours looks super good I don't know why you'd want to change it.
  12. I've questioned myself this several time and it often just comes down to how you feel the most comfortable. I can stand in many different ways on my bike and feel the same. I ride an echo 24 and I'm super short The only thing that really changes my position is when I roll the bars forward to test, but I just ultimately come back to a normal position, you know upsweep actually pointing up.
  13. He's a bodybuilder by the looks of it.... so is it just me or his legs don't look on-pair with his torso (ie. no legs) making him look weird as hell on the bike?
  14. valk

    Training March

    I don't even have that much control, well done!
  15. Dobro utro! Kak si? ... that's all bulgarian I know
  16. Check the "for sale" subforum in here and dig around.
  17. Considering your weight I'd go for the comp as I don't really trust the brakes of the pro with your weight on it. However if you do decide to go for the Comp, then buy new pads for the brakes and grind your rim. It'll help you getting used to magura rim brakes from the very beginning.
  18. Look through the forums, it's been posted a couple of times where to buy it. I don't know if he's got a very specific one but the ones some people linked were pretty similar.
  19. That was quick, as far as I know it was this very weekend and there's already a cool edit about it!
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