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Everything posted by valk

  1. Yes he does. I had to put HD on and super slowmo, the wheel spins.
  2. I don't wanna hate on the riding but everything you posted gave me cancer.
  3. If these are his leftovers what on earth is he planning to do in his main video? Ride upside down?
  4. Oh well: Front: Magura 2004 hs33 Lever. hs33 slaves. Cousts with alu backings. Water Bleed. No Booster Rear: Magura hs11 full brake 4 finger lever blade. Cousts with alu backings. Oil Bleed. Jaf Booster
  5. This video is actually quite cool, I didn't know the UCI channel made these type of videos.
  6. I believe it's cold there, aren't they supposed to be warm and comfy? (Idk I've never worn them).
  7. You can eat proteins before, it doesn't matter as long as you get your complex carbs in before you go ride; also like Adam said, keep eating while you ride in small amounts and stay hydrated. No energy drinks or substances because you'll feel far worse in the long run.
  8. I get em regularly, so when nothing seems to work and I forget how to trials I just mess around not doing technical stuff, I just kind of roll around and pretend I can do street.
  9. They last "ok" on grinded rims :/
  10. Because 2 bike frames is impractical for manufacturers, instead you can purchase another bike which is focused on stylish riding instead of trials-competition like the Koxx Sky which is focused on making it easier for the riders to compete instead of looking good.
  11. But maaaan the poor old guy lost his city ((
  12. valk


    -When he was born he had to pick between a few families, so they presented the families on a couch like if they were being interviewed for an adoption. It was first person perspective from the kid. -A Red theater he was alone in the middle. -He said "Annaaaaa" *died x.x * You might have been sleeping during the movie or you've got terrible ADD =P
  13. valk

    Pavel SL8

    He's the reason why I bought a 24" D:
  14. valk


    Well I don't want to spoil it if anyone plans on watching it; so stop reading if you plan on watching. Sorry for my english first of all. When the guy was born he could see both past and future, so when they interviewed him when old he started telling the journalist about his "multiple lifes" but in reality they weren't multiple, he was just telling him all the possible lifes he could have had depending on the choices he could have made differently starting when he was chasing his mom on the train. So since he could see the future he saw all the possible lifes he could have had if he chased his mom, and then all the lifes he could have had when he stopped and went with his dad. "in reality" he couldn't chose because he knew what would happen in any possible life and he didn't like it. Same as the chess move he mentioned the only possible move was... not to move. So he chose neither and went on another route to the woods to blow a leaf that guided Anna to get together with him again on the bench at the lighthouse, That's the life he chose but differently to how he saw it in the first place. Which is why when he died he whispered her name. When the kid was in the theater it just meant he was presented with all the lifes so he could chose. Or at least that's what I understood. Also when there's no time everything can happen at once, which is why he could see the future in the first place and live all the possible lifes.
  15. valk


    I saw it, best movie I've seen this year. Amazing; thanks for the recommendation.
  16. valk


    You got me, I'm gonna watch all the movies listed there that I haven't seen before.
  17. "training" never works when you are annoyed or angry at yourself.
  18. valk


    Next they'll ask how to 180 and footjam.
  19. I had to watch it again and damn... yes there was one, it was after a manual and in the middle of some sort of spin move. Up to front nonetheless.
  20. And not a single trials move was done that day.
  21. valk

    Maró Valls V.7

    Sorry to break this to you mate but...well...
  22. valk

    Echo Pure Ti

    Is it weird that I find his bar angle strange now? I know that his way is the way they are supposed to be. You know upsweep going up and backsweep going back.
  23. valk

    Maró Valls V.7

    I KNEW IT! ... this is why I said that the video was really confusing.
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