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About UrbanLegend

  • Birthday 02/06/1985

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  • Real Name
    Dan Fitzpatrick
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Marino 24" King Ultimates Thomson Full Ti and Carbon Accessories
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. UrbanLegend

    Clean 001

    New age fun with a vintage feel
  2. That's actually my bike... Seat is an unpadded Eclat, bash is a Heatsink.
  3. If you tick the option "let iTunes organise my music", then all you have to do is drag the files/album into the iTunes window. It will add them to library, add them to the iTunes music folder... Then you can delete the originals from your download location. I used to hate the idea, but now I don't know how I lived without it!
  4. Best vid I've seen for a long long time. Proper riding, fun times. Good shit
  5. My old Ashton ET... Super old! My current Marino
  6. Personally I think curved forks akin to the Pashley's look spot on, however I know this view certainly isn't shared by everyone. On a steel frame, fat alloy forks just don't seem to look "right". I think some simple curved steel forks and higher end alloy straight forks would be the best way to go. Just make sure they have V mounts!! (The only negative of the Inspired forks, running V adapters ruins the aesthetics )
  7. Perfecto! The steerer length on my Pashley's is quite limiting, nice to know there's an alternative for when I dust the bike off in the summer!
  8. Are the forks on the 24 going to be made available separately? If the specs are right it would be nice to have an alternative to Pashley's, avoids the hassle of having to get the mounts moved down. Any details?
  9. Agreed. I went last year and I'm going again for st paddy's day. It's ridiculously expensive. But muchos fun. Hard to do (properly) on a tight budget!
  10. Akrigg's riding never fails to make me smile
  11. I am currently camera-less, and I wouldn't want to post phone pics of something that clearly you want in detail!! To be fair, it's under £200 for a custom build frame delivered to your door. The quality is more than good enough for that price point. From what I've seen, the welds get better and better. Mine are more than good enough. DO NOT under any circumstances get the built in tensioners that he offers. I had to grind mine off after 2 minutes because they quite simply aren't strong enough. If you want horizontal drop outs, get snail cams, I had them on mine and it's fit and forget. So long as you are very clear with him about what you want, he will sort you out. IMO the best way is to choose some geo, and keep the frame SIMPLE. The simpler it is, the less chance there will be of you being disappointed when it arrives. Bottom line, love mine, would buy another.
  12. Yes I have Inspired geometry (angles and lengths) but the tubing is obviously different... Therefore I have a smaller diameter seat tube. Thomson stem, 90x15. Chain Reaction or any other shops that sell Thomson. 2.5" Double Walls. Avid Ultimate levers.
  13. It's a 90mm by 15 degree rise. Only available in 25.4mm clamp so no oversize bars unfortunately.
  14. I'm using the Rhyno Lite XL front and rear on my Marino. I think if you are looking at "proper" trials-width rims, you are blatantly going to run 20psi and fat tyres, which isn't really the point (in my opinion of course). Plenty strong enough, very well made and has eyelets so you can build a nice tight wheel.
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