They say it has 1000 bhp, but the bugatti site says it has 1001 PS. 1 PS = 0.986 bhp so 1001 PS is actually only 987 bhp... So it doesnt really have 1000 bhp, but its close enough for us mere mortals.
Well they have made enough so an Arabian Prince can order 4. One for everyday use One for his car collection One for track days One for special ocassions...
Longer videos take a while to load, and its easy to get impatient and press the select button again which causes it to take even longer. A little like an old pc.
Look dave works for a pretty big rally team, I think he knows his stuff... The body doesnt look that different, but I'm sure they change it for better aerodynamics ain't that right dave!
I'm guessing Uni work has pilled up and other commitments. So he doesn't have time. I remember when he first became a moderator, 10 topics lock every minute! (Y)
By the by people, just got an email back from Rob. He said they have all the same stuff as last time (ie old bike show things) plus more :) Jonny! Havn't seen you for a while boyo, be good to meet up again. :P