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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. Up to front wheel, then pivot the backwheel around onto the rail.
  2. If you can get top spec bikes get some forking helmets! Weather looks ace... I envy you all...
  3. Find your self a set of motorbike carbs for it and you will have 4 times the fuel air mix going in.
  4. Argh, Ive had photoshop on my PC for yonks and never used it more than resizing images or saving them as jpegs... Great stuff
  5. 2-3 hours, then getting it wrong and starting again. Good times.
  6. Mine started Monday to Rob. You school is weird...
  7. These videos reminded me of bongos old trials video on his white 221 monty. Where his tyre folds off his monty rim. Good times, I think ill go what that vid now.
  8. When you try to pedal does it engage? Or just spin?
  9. Maxxis Holy Roller is 620g, ill edit when I find the Tioga weight. The Schwable site says the Racing Ralph is 535 g? DMR site says 750 g for the moto digger? Is that the 26" version instead of the 24"?
  10. 22" top tube, and 1030 wheel base with Fatty R's. Curtis "hand made". Those tyres grip amazingly aswell.
  11. If you can get hold of a chrome rim and you set the brake up well a set of kool stops will hold fine and your brake will be quiet. Having a loud brake won't help you make friends down the park!
  12. Admitadly its pretty hard to mess it up properly. You can feel the grinder start to pull away from you, then you know that its about to go pear shaped so pull it back a bit.
  13. Comp X rear tyre and Maxxis Holy Roller, the lightest 24 tyre combination possible.
  14. DO NOT BUY A BLUE DRAGON. As soon as you leave the tarmac it will loose any grip it had. I had mine for 3 weeks, it wore down quickly and didnt grip at all. At the moment im running a tioga comp X. Its like a race bmx tyre, great grip and pretty stretty.
  15. It is deffinatly porter on the rail people.
  16. Also its worth bearing in mind that the Japanese cant make jiggs for 110 mm, they are more like 105 mm, so if you do all those modifications will will be a sturggle but will go in.
  17. Another cool video, some nice lines. Porters rail was pretty sick, but in my oppinion just as good as your switch footed bunnyhop etc. Great stuff
  18. Looking good, looks brilliant compared to the zoot. Is it 7005? What sort of heat treating has it had? Also, is it light
  19. Hahaha Manning, you hard core wet weather trainer you!
  20. Possibly... Im not sure if your going though Kennard.
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