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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. Nice van jimmers James get another mk2 delt with sonny!
  2. Anyone driving from oxford? / want to get the train with me?
  3. Find me and say hi, so i can get TU5JP4 on yo ass!
  4. xfire derf87 prepare for some pwnage when Im back at uni on sat.
  5. Holy crap..... First video Ive watched in years and actually thought "no way, hes not going to do that" Sick riding.
  6. i wasnt banned, just had my liscence revoked. Im expecting to still have all 9 when it comes back.
  7. Some you may know I had my liscence revoked for a speeding offence I commited in Feb 2007. Well today I re did my test and passed with 2 minors. Just need to find a car now....
  8. Cant wait to see it in the flesh hommie.
  9. There is a crew of people dedicated to searching youtube and forums etc.
  10. ill be training it me thinks, unless becket is avliable!
  11. Amazing, boys still got skills Sick line at engineering
  12. Loads better, did you changed you douvet cover to match for a good picture? Needs a smaller tyres, and a bigger seat! 24 style police will be watchin! hahaha
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