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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. Got mine earlier, cheers for the quick posting selectbikes DVD rules, if you havnt brought a copy go buy it now.
  2. Pete if you get a 24 you must conform to the following criteria; Have a silent rear brakeRun a normal sized seatNot hop 50 thousand times before everymoveGet Rhyno lights, light strong and not wide. Why do you need a wide rim?
  3. But I think you must trade in the phone which the contract is under. So which ever pled decides to help wont have a phone.
  4. Everytime I try and sign up it saus something different. At the moment its "check back monday"...
  5. 1. Male 2. 18-20 3. Have you ever been speed dating before? No 4. Which colours would you associate with acceptance? (choose 2) ORANGE 5. Which colours would you associate with rejection? (choose 2) BLACK 6. Which shape would you associate with acceptance? CIRCLE 7. Which sahpe would you associate with rejection? TRIANGLE 8. If you went speed datign what would be your drink of choice? PINT
  6. Joe, your car is modified you? Wheels at least, did/have you told your insurers about them? If not they will use anything not to pay out because "technically" your not insured...
  7. hahaa! Why?! Why?! The idea had croseed my mind but 1. I dont have enough parts to do it and 2. I couldnt live with such a low BB.
  8. From what Ive seen it will be well worth the wait and the money.
  9. Gold hope ashton bits eh? Looks, pretty good. I'd have kept it the pink bits they gave it a nice flair. But hey ,free/cheap bits are good.
  10. Stephen, I invite you its all good. Don't let these Soton locals bully you.
  11. They can always find ways out of giving you a new frame though, the warranty could only cover manufacturing defects. So they could say "You mis treated it" etc. But chances are they wont unless a huge amount of the frames are brought back.
  12. Can you withdraw money from the account online?
  13. 1800 GMT? or 0600 GMT? "Sorry! We are currently closed for signups, please try again in a few days!"
  14. Your back must be dying! Good gurns
  15. True, but I'd rather have something that I could replace incase it does bend multiple times or the threads become fudged.
  16. Non replacable mech hanger... even appollos have replacable ones...
  17. That sergio vid is he riding a Braun mini ramp? The black and white one?
  18. I saw that, but how many of the billion people watching will go "wow, thats amazing I think ill buy a bicycle and try it!"
  19. Old but still impressive, I would never attempt that...
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