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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. I remeber seeing this guy ride in a slightly older video and was amazed... How can he make it look so easy?! Top stuff.
  2. Whats wrong with the traditional unclip the flash and hold it out with your arm whilst taking the photo with the other hand and looking like a complete fool?!
  3. Get itunes mate, all the songs are on there. 79p each, I payed for them and I think you should if your after them. They did let Nick use their songs so they deserve some money. The tracks are listed in the credits.
  4. Oh my life, can porter go anywhere these days without getting his sack out or throwing up?! Looks like you had fun!
  5. Cool video Adam You seem to be getting on well with the limey, did tha last tap put the traditional monster dent in the Limey as everyone has? Good save with the front wheel missing the bench, that could have been nasty!
  6. Where are the other two zip ties doing then?
  7. Another cool video, Nick is a frame destroying machine. Why has Dan not sent you your new frame yet Nick? I thought you rode for Triton
  8. Mines better, when it finally starts to work... Good job, in DT you dont get any marks for originality
  9. Nice one Mr. Bessell Where abouts are you riding in the pictures? Looks much like where ET and Matt Tounge where riding in that really old Fluid23 video.
  10. There are two Gillinghams, thats why at the train station is either says Gillingham Dorset or just Gillingham. Nick you are special... Good luck with it and all, I will certainly be down there when its done.
  11. Please please have the party on Sat night, me, prawn, bigman, Rich (kalrson...), Tic, Charel, Whiteboy, Ask Kennard and his sister will all make it worth your while
  12. Sorry boys im going to Pompy, none of this Plywood shite!
  13. Its all about the moment, a moment is a turning effect. Moment = force x perpendicular distance from the pivot The pivot being the axel.
  14. I have been riding bmx for about a year now and although Ive not been riding on it recently I think it really helps. Teachs you more about speed of attack and conifdence. Did anyone else get bullied by local riders for riding bmx like a trials bike for the first few rides? :$ Just me then..
  15. But no one cares Nick Nice video, some good riding editing was a little primary school in places.
  16. I hope you mean the first is a 540 hurricane... Or can you hurricane a vert wall? If i am wrong I stand corrected.
  17. God damnit! I heard Triton were making a 24?
  18. Does danny wear anything but those traccies? Wet rocks, Ill give that a miss aswell cheers, cool video really liked it. I was also expecting the jap slap on the pallets...
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