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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. S3 hands down. German 4WD Lots of power Lots of grip
  2. Add me to MSN its in the profile. talk there save taking up space here.
  3. If you have your chain way too tight it will stress it more causing it to snap. I have it so when you pinch it (top and bottom) you can nearly touch the chain stay with the chain. Unless sometimes I can't be bothered in which case is flaps around all over the place...
  4. Rob, its Fred. We met in Southampton. Lady palm and her five lovely daughters! VALIDATE THIS MAN!
  5. Im working all weekend so it dosent matter, i wont be there.
  6. Amazing video, some really nice lines. Manual to hook, never seen that before. Great stuff. I didnt find it too long either
  7. I saw this on TV the other day, anyone know the song? A quick google only gives results for the old one. Les rhymes digitalses whatvere...
  8. Potts already been at your bike? With the TPA? Nice, shame about the bars... Oh and with your loverly KMC thin chain those bash dont quiet cover it enough...
  9. I laughed so hard when I saw that. Looked like you had a good time.
  10. Oh my lord, harsh is the only word I can think off...
  11. I finish work at 5, i may drive through I assume you will still be around?
  12. You need the flash in the mirror nick to hide you ugly mug...
  13. Nice work Chris, I would expect nothing less to be honest. Im sure Ive met that guy in the last one, seemed nice enough them...
  14. Where did you say you were from? Ill get my coat and the clorophorm....
  15. I dont know any 7 year olds that know the word courting...
  16. no hes just a lazy f**ker... ill bully him into it soon.
  17. Tidiest golf I have ever seen/driven. Goes well aswell.
  18. Nah, they are in there securely. Also a tray wont stop them being thrown across your garage.
  19. The springs and pwals donw fly out. The springs are not coiled springs they are leaf springs like in a profile. So they hold the pawls in place. Once you have done it once the free hub body will come off alot easier.
  20. Damn it.... Sexymike we will be having "words"
  21. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=scientolo...:en-GB:official It comes out top
  22. Wicked video Phil. Really insipiring, I like the over lapping of the riders voice overs. Opposite Fuf 270 hip jump Alley oop table air Great stuff, keep pushing finding and creating. You make me want to go ride.
  23. Eh? I got bored waiting for something to jump out on me... Watched it till the bit about the woman who died...
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